* Implemented multiple grid_mappings (CF trac ticket 70) * Improved functionality and speed of field aggregation and ``cfa`` and ``cfdump`` command line utilities. * Collapse methods on `cf.Data` object (min, max, mean, var, sd, sum, range, mid_range). * Improved match/select functionality
* Copes with PP fields with 365_day calendars * Revamped CFA files in line with the evolving standard. CFA files from PP data created with a previous version will no longer work.
* Improved API. * Plenty of speed and memory optimisations. * A proper treatment of datetimes. * WGDOS-packed PP fields are now unpacked on demand. * Fixed bug in functions.py for numpy v1.7. Fixed bug when deleting the 'id' attribute. * Assign a standard name to aggregated PP fields after aggregation rather than before (because some stash codes are too similar, e.g. 407 and 408). * New subclasses of `cf.Coordinate`: `cf.DimensionCoordinate` and `cf.AuxiliaryCoordinate`. * A `cf.Units` object is now immutable.
* Fixed endian bug in CFA-netCDF files referring to PP files * Changed default output format to NETCDF3_CLASSIC and trap error when when writing unsigned integer types and the 64-bit integer type to file formats other than NETCDF4. * Changed unhelpful history created when aggregating
* Read and write CFA-netCDF files * `cf.Field` creation interface * New command line utilities: ``cfa``, ``cfdump`` * Redesigned repr, str and dump() output (which is shared with ``cfa`` and ``cfdump``) * Removed superseded (by ``cfa``) command line utilities ``pp2cf``, ``cf2cf`` * Renamed the 'subset' method to 'select' * Now needs netCDF4-python 0.9.7 or later (and numpy 1.6 or later)
* Fixed bug in ``cf/pp.py`` which caused the creation of incorrect latitude coordinate arrays.