Added - User can pass on file with row separated gene IDs for coverage calculation
Added - added CLI commands
Version 4 slims down Chanjo quite a bit.
Added - Lots of test, now 100% test coverage! - Cascade rules to make sure stats records get deleted with parent sample
Changed - Switched from Read the Docs to GitBook for documentation - Updated demo
Removed - Old database schema with explicit exon/gene records
Changed - setup and tear down session in Flask app usage
Added - All new transcript focused schema, generally activated by `--transcript` flag in CLI, this significantly reduces the database footprint and speeds up loading to only a few seconds for a full exome
Fixed - properly report if a CLI subcommand is not found - properly output results from "calculate region" - show error message for unknown region ids - fix sqlite issue when adding both `exon_obj` and `exon_id`
Changed - make schema more strict about which columns need to exist