* fix: admin power (1883)
* add teacher form
* add teacher to school
* fix teacher already exists and add invited_by
* add invited teacher form, wip
* add SchoolTeacherInvitation model and
use it to invite teacher
* process_teacher_invitation
* add is_active to SchoolTeacherInvitation
* finish process teacher invitation
* added buttons and invite titles
* add admin only button functionality
* Merge branch &39;admin-invite-teacher&39; into admin-power
* working in progress
* test invite teacher
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into admin-invite-teacher
* undo send_user_already_registered_email
* cleanup imports
* update pipfile lock
* Resend invite
* code review
* delete button
* Merge branch &39;admin-invite-teacher&39; into admin-power
* adding tests
* add tests
* merge master
* Merge branch &39;admin-invite-teacher-and-dashboard-table&39; into admin-power
* merge tests
* Merge branch &39;admin-power&39; of into admin-power
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into admin-power
* test fix attempt 1
* fix tests randomy failing for invite
* tests:)
* merge
* merge
* fix url fail test
* url invite id
* add super long delay
* change the delay
* change the delay
* fixing dashboard.html
* fixing dashboard.html
* remove super long delay
* Merge branch &39;admin-invite-teacher-and-dashboard-table&39; into admin-power
* responded to comments
* merge
* Merge branch &39;admin-power&39; of into admin-power
* Merge branch &39;admin-invite-teacher-and-dashboard-table&39; into admin-power
* responded to comments 2
* Merge branch &39;admin-power&39; of into admin-power
* responded to comments 3
* responded to comments 3
* responded to comments 4
* clean up tests
* added unit test and cleared not statement ([`1ecc00a`](
* Merge pull request 1884 from ocadotechnology/admin-invite-teacher-and-dashboard-table
feat: Admin invite teacher ([`835ddf1`](
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into admin-invite-teacher-and-dashboard-table
portal/forms/ ([`a16f0e7`](