* feat: Delete multiple games (1350)
* wip: updated games columns
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into delete-multiple-games
* delete games and added tests
* updated teaching resources link in kurono dash
* fix popup text alignment
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into delete-multiple-games
* temp fix for ci
* cleanup aimmoGame.js
* some fixes after code review
* removed can_delete_game
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into delete-multiple-games
* popup text and play button
* updated pipfile lock and removed branch from ci
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into delete-multiple-games
* extracted classesText ([`e3156fe`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/e3156fefb19c7d624da7b6eee1c051cfffe28ebb))