* feat: Game banner partial (1058)
* Adds game banner mixin + temp examples in play page
* Adjust CSS
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into partial_game_banner
* fix after merging master into branch
* made button display inline-block
* Add padding and constants
* Failing test
* fixed test
* undid changes to first test
* Formatting
* Make tests consistent
* Remove test partials from play page
* Fix mobile media query to match Bootstrap standards
* Remove game banner tag from play page
* Renamed constants to match sass standards
* Add snapshot tests for partials testing
* Disable code climate on test files
* Remove unused imports ([`976d85b`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/976d85b310fadbedbdc5735fa34f5e60c8b9eb27))
* refactor: benefits partial (1053)
* teach and about pages done
* made benefits into a partial
* forgot to stage one file
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into benefits_partial
* codeclimate fix
* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; into benefits_partial
* Auto stash before merge of &34;benefits_partial&34; and &34;origin/master&34;
* fixed broken bits, still unformatted grid
* fixed grids
* reverted &34;about&34; benefits
* some refactoring, added test
* codeclimate fixes
* black formatter, css autoprefix
* removed text conditional, autoprefixed only for last one version
* typo + 200,000 users
* autoprefix fix
* syntax fix ([`4b58142`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/4b58142f6ec9b18823211689dafc0381926bc548))
* refactor: Make page blurb into a partial (1057)
* refactor: Make page blurb into a partial
* Add new line
* Use python data instead of JSON
* Add test for headline partial
* Make test for generic for headline templatetag ([`3cabf53`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/3cabf53c53d992c9a65b0aac79015c912fac892c))
* refactor: Make banner into a partial (1052)
* Refactor banner to be a partial
* Remove dashboard banner from partial + simplify rest
* Simplify partial logic
* Fix indentation
* Add argument names to banner call
* Rename hexagon to image + Black format ([`e6676f3`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/e6676f30e875aa6734ccb6356c28d044fa3e35a8))
* 2.12.0 ([`1d0aa05`](https://github.com/ocadotechnology/codeforlife-portal/commit/1d0aa05848b8995f079e49ec05960d4f4898ceaa))