* fix: 2FA pages updated (1736)
* fix: updated the 2FA pages to the designs
* fix: fixed 2FA disable not working
* fix: clearning up 1
* fix: edit class page fix
* fix: cleanup 2
* fix: added pop ups and cleaned up the code
* fix: moved styles around, and cleaned up whitespaces
* fix: forgot some comments
* fix: comments addressed 2
* fix: added condition_dict to stop breaking the page
* fix: cleaned up 3
* fix: cleaned up 4
* fix: cleaned up 5
* fix: design corrections
* fix: design corrections 2
* fix: design corrections 3 ([`8c8f1ae`](
* fix: unique email for teacher and indy student ([`43927a4`](
* Merge branch &39;master&39; into uniqueemail ([`3dd3259`](
* remove redundant check ([`10b2ee6`](
* fix test ([`0a23f28`](
* fix test ([`85788a4`](