* Replace ``GetModuleFileNameA`` with ``GetModuleFileNameW`` to prevent a ``TypeError``. By junkmd.
* Refactor ``server.register``. By junkmd.
* ``PythonClass`` and ``PythonPath`` are no longer registered in the registry for a frozen server. By junkmd.
* Use ``WinDLL``/``OleDLL`` instead of ``windll``/``oledll``. By moi15moi.
* In ``tools.tlbparser``, replace ``windll.oleaut32.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib`` with ``typeinfo.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib``. By moi15moi.
* Adjust ``QueryPathOfRegTypeLib`` docstring. By moi15moi.
* Reserve blank lines in the generated modules. By junkmd.
* Refactor ``tools`` subpackage. By junkmd.
* Add ``ActiveObjTest`` to ``test_comserver``. By junkmd.
* Replace deprecated install command in CI pipelines. By moi15moi.
* Remove unused parameters in ``_shutdown``. By moi15moi.
* Delete ``preview.bat``. By moi15moi.
* Remove unnecessary ``ruff`` lint rules from ``pyproject.toml``. By moi15moi.
* Refactor some code from ``client/__init__.py`` into modules. By junkmd.
* Remove workarounds for Windows CE in ``find_memleak``. By junkmd.
* Format import blocks and add ``extend-select = ["I"]`` to ``[tool.ruff.lint]``. By junkmd.