
Latest version: v1.4.4

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix using temp directory as a cache folder when it has no write permission.
Thanks to kviktor, totaam, morganwillcock, kongxinchi, Chaoste
for their pull requests and patience.
* Revive ```` and add it to post-install step.
* Fix hang in ``CreateObject`` for restricted user (124).



* Fix TypeError when gen folder is unwriteable and it is a
namespace package (102). Thanks to orf for the bug report. Thanks
to jornb for the initial proposal demonstrating a workaround.



* Fix SyntaxError caused by enums containing python keywords. Thanks to
laripk for the fix and janbrohl for the bug report.



* Fix TypeError when interfaces return a single in-out result (84). Thanks to
FranOis for the bug report and max-egger for suggesting the fix.
* Fix AttributeError when cleaning up safe arrays at shutdown (83). Thanks to
mitaa for the bug report and fix.
* Fix 64-bit ULONG_PTR definition in typeinfo module (82). Thanks to aparamon
for the bug report.
* Add POINTER(BSTR) to supported VARIANT types (81). This allows the Esri
ArcObjects library to be loaded. Thanks to Matt Wilkie for the patch.
* Properly catch error when attempting to cache code to an unwritable
directory (78). Thanks to Robin Dunn for the patch.



* Fixed backwards-incompatible change where empty strings in VARIANTs were
being converted to NULL (68). Thanks to shgohh for the bug report.
* Fixed npsupport module to fail gracefully when numpy is not present (62).
Thanks to kyleMR for the patch.
* Fixed low-level property machinery in _comobject (60).
* Fixed bug where numpy would be imported when using safe arrays (59). Thanks
to Paul Moore (pfmoore) for submitting the bug and a patch.
* Fixed bug in patching machinery (57). Thanks to Paul Moore (pfmoore) for
the patch.
* Various documentation cleanups.



* Updated automation code to convert c_int64 and c_uint64 to their VT_I8 and
VT_UI8, respectively (49).
* Update automation code to convert VT_DECIMAL VARIANT to Decimal type (44).
* Fixed an undocumented bug that would lead to improper behavior when nesting
the ``safearray_as_ndarray`` context (41).
* Added a license file and merged the ChangeLog into CHANGES.txt (35, 39).
* Extended and homogenized indexing across container and named property
interfaces (32, 43). This introduces the ability to index with an empty
slice, which has the same meaning as indexing with an empty tuple.
* Completed migration to ``patcher`` module (31).
* Extended NumPy support so object and datetime64 arrays can be converted to
VARIANT safearrays (29).
* Extended test runner so it can be run under 32- and 64-bit Python and be used
in an automated testing system (25, 28).
* Modified many tests so they run under 64-bit python (21, 22, 23).
* Removed reference cycle in PumpEvents (19).
* Fixed safearray test that would fail under NumPy 1.6 (19).
* Project migrated to Issue numbers
refer to the new project page.

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