* Refactor ``test_findgendir``. By junkmd.
* Update ``test_GUID``. By junkmd.
* Add a feature to ``typeannotator`` that interprets the return value. By junkmd.
* Update type annotations for ``_IUnknown_Base`` and ``IUnknown``. By junkmd.
* Add ``groupby_impltypeflags``. By junkmd.
* Add static typing for when a ``CoClass`` is assigned as the return value type. By junkmd.
* Improve ``EnumerationNamespaces`` and ``CodeGenerator.enum_aliases``. By junkmd.
* Modernize constructor arguments and attributes of each stuff in ``typedesc``. By junkmd.
* Split ``codegenerator`` into some modules in the sub-package directory. By junkmd.
* Implement record pointers as method parameters of a Dispatch Interface. By geppi.
* Add ``npsupport`` to CI pipeline matrix. By junkmd.
* Add "Frequently Asked Questions" to ``README.md``. By junkmd.