
Latest version: v1.4.4

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Improve error message on non Windows environments. By CristiFati.
* Adjust styles of codebase. By junkmd.
* Apply ``black==22.12.0`` formatter. By junkmd.
* Modernize ``client.dynamic``. By junkmd.
* Add tests for ``client.dynamic``. By junkmd.
* Fix ``test_client``. By junkmd.
* Fix ``test_getactiveobj``. By junkmd.
* Make explicit the symbols that imports from the wrapper module into the friendly module. By junkmd.
* Modernize type annotations in statically defined modules. By junkmd.
* Fix several type annotations in statically defined modules. By jonschz and junkmd.
* Remove ``sys.version_info`` bridges from production codebase. By junkmd.
* Remove ``for_stub=True`` conditional branch from the ``tools.codegenerator.ImportedNamespaces.getvalue``. By junkmd.
* Fix ``codegenerator`` as generating ``__next__()`` instead of ``next()`` in ``IEnum...``. By jonschz.
* Add unit test for generated ``IEnum...`` interfaces. By jonschz.
* Remove ``'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7'`` from ````. By junkmd.
* Change the base class of ``_ComMemberSpec`` and ``_DispMemberSpec`` to ``typing.NamedTuple``. By junkmd.
* Delint and remove wildcard-import from ``typeinfo``. By junkmd.
* Split ``DISPPARAMS`` instantiation in ``IDispatch.Invoke`` method. By junkmd.
* Move ``clear_comtypes_cache`` to be a callable ``comtypes.clear_cache`` module. By bennyrowland.
* Wrapper modules are now imported into friendly modules using an abstracted name, ``__wrapper_module__``. By junkmd.
* Fix old index bug in ``call_with_inout`` within ``_fix_inout_args``. By jonschz.
* Fix ````. By junkmd.
* Update ````. By junkmd.


* Replace ``distutils`` with ``setuptools``. By junkmd.
* Add Python 3.12 testing into CI pipeline. By junkmd.
* Set long description type to "markdown" to fix PyPI description rendering. By junkmd.
* Add ``hints.pyi`` to ``package_data`` in ```` which copies ``hints.pyi`` to correct install location. By junkmd.
* Remove Python >=3.3, <=3.6 from CI pipeline. By vasily-v-ryabov.


* Remove all automatic imports of ``numpy``, and make ``numpy`` interop opt-in. By bennyrowland.
* Move and redefine generating module functions for fixing cross imports. By junkmd.
* Refactor creating ``__all__`` part in ``codegenerator.Generator.generate_code``. By junkmd.
* Quit calling ``GetModule`` from ``tools.codegenerator``. By junkmd.
* Commonize module-creating functions. By junkmd.
* Shorten the lifetime of ``io.StringIO`` used for code generation. By junkmd.
* Fix import source of ``Array`` from ``_ctypes`` to ``ctypes``. By junkmd.
* Add ``for_stub`` mode to ``ImportedNamespaces.getvalue``. By junkmd.
* Remove ``monkeypatch_COMError``. By junkmd.
* Remove ``CodeGenerator.need_GUID``. By junkmd.
* Carve out ``CodeGenerator.type_name`` method to ``TypeNamer`` class. By junkmd.
* Add ``__known_symbols__`` attributes. By junkmd.
* Remove ``CodeGenerator.type_name`` calls no longer needed and rename to ``_to_type_name``. By junkmd.
* Change ``_fix_inout_args`` to module-level top level function. By junkmd.
* Fix docstring from ``DispInterfaceHead``. By junkmd.
* ``...METHOD`` and ``...PROPERTY`` return ``_MemberSpec``s instead of ``tuple``s. By junkmd.
* Make generating ```` DRY. By junkmd.
* Refactor ``_MemberSpec`` stuffs and separate modules. By junkmd.
* Carve out ``make_...Method`` and ``make_...Property`` of ``codegenerator``. By junkmd.
* Removed extra space in ``typeinfo.IRecordInfo._methods_``. By j0ker70.
* Add type annotations to many modules. By junkmd.
* Fix type annotations in many modules. By j0ker70, muddi900, and junkmd.
* Delint ````. By jaraco.
* Add ````. By junkmd.
* Modernize ```` style. By junkmd.
* Add announcements of plan for renaming ``master`` branch to ``main`` and dropping Python2 to ````. By junkmd.


* Fix ``SyntaxError`` in generated docstring. Thanks junkmd.


* Many fixes in code generator. Thanks junkmd.
* Make tests runnable on AppVeyor CI. Many improvements in tests. Thanks junkmd and dmwyatt.
* Update (bound_)named_property args and attributes names to be similar to builtin property. Thanks junkmd.
* Refactor function ``GetModule`` and fix type lib timestamping for incomplete generated module. Thanks junkmd.
* Fix recent numpy versions support. Thanks mworion.
* Split ``Constants`` into a separate module. Thanks junkmd.
* ``client.GetModule`` can take a one liner containing lib UUID. Thanks junkmd.
* Use ``Generator.imports`` instead of ``Generator._externals``. Thanks junkmd.
* Rename README to Thanks junkmd and filipporomani.
* No patching or modifying ```` in ``tools.codegenerator``. Thanks junkmd.
* Load enumerations into ``client.Constants``. Thanks junkmd.


* Fix ``_pack_`` being returned as a float. Thanks kdschlosser.
* More general fix for timestamping a type library. Thanks kdschlosser.

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