
Latest version: v1.4.4

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix setuptools>=57.5.0 compatibility. Thanks kdschlosser.
* Fix timestamping for typelib. Thanks fusentasticus.
* Fix 64bit inproc server. Thanks klusidy.
* Drop Python 2.6 support (Python 2.7 is still supported).
* Fix IndexError for empty safearray. Thanks BALOGHBence.
* Make numpy typecodes consistent across numpy versions. Thanks bennyrowland.


* Fix loading module from relative path on Windows 7.


* Fix loading module from relative path.
* Use comtypes release version in code generator version check.


* Fix No module named 'comtypes.gen.stdole'. Thanks fxthomas.
* Fix NumPy >= 1.16 support. Thanks mobiusklein.
* Use the embedded timestamp for cache invalidation. Thanks vijairaj.
* Allow customization of shutdown behavior (It fixes crash during exit in applications that embed Python). Thanks lassoan.
* Extend GetModule() with CLSID support. Thanks forderud.
* Fix invalid handling of WindowsError on Python 3. Thanks leonardder.
* End bdist_wininst support in Thanks wkschwartz.
* Drop Windows CE support. Thanks forderud.


* Fix command ``pip install comtypes --no-cache-dir --target="C:\tmp"`` (issue 158).


* Fix ``pip install comtypes`` error: "option --single-version-externally-managed
not recognized" (issue 155).

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