
Latest version: v3.2.2

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Not secure
- Raster client can now handle arbitrarily large numbers of tiles generated from a shape using the new iter_dltiles_from_shape() method which allows you to iterate over large numbers of tiles in a time- and memory-efficient manner. Similarly the existing dltiles_from_shape() method can now handle arbitrarily large numbers of tiles although it can be very slow.
- Vector client upload_features() can now upload contents of a stream (e.g. io.IOBase derivative such as io.StringIO) as well as the contents of a named file.
- Vector FeatureCollection add() method can now handle an arbitrary number of Features. Use of the upload_features() method is still encouraged for large collections.
- Vector client now supports creating a new product from the results of a query against an existing product with the create_product_from_query() method. This support is also accessible via the new FeatureCollection.copy() method.
- XYZTile GeoContext class, helpful for rendering to web maps that use XYZ-style tiles in a spherical Mercator CRS.

- Tasks client FutureTask now instantiates a client if none provided (the default).
- Catalog client methods now properly handle add_namespace parameter.
- Vector Feature now includes valid geojson type 'Feature'.
- Tasks client now raises new GroupTerminalException if a task group stops accepting tasks.
- General documentation fixes.


Not secure
- Scenes and raster clients have a `processing_level` parameter that can be used to turn on surface reflectance processing for products that support it


Not secure
- `scenes.GeoContext`: better defaults and `bounds_crs` parameter
- `bounds` are no longer limited to WGS84, but can be expressed in any `bounds_crs`
- New `Scene.default_ctx` uses a Scene's `geotrans` to more accurately determine a `GeoContext` that will result in no warping of the original data, better handling sinusoidal and other non-rectilinear coordinate reference systems.
- **Important:** the default GeoContexts will now return differently-sized rasters than before!
They will now be more accurate to the original, unwarped data, but if you were relying on the old defaults, you should now explicitly set the `bounds` to `geometry.bounds`,
`bounds_crs` to `"EPSG:4326"`, and `align_pixels` to True.
- `Scene.coverage` and `SceneCollection.filter_coverage` accept any geometry-like object, not just a `GeoContext`.


Not secure
- `FutureTask` inheritance changed from `dict` to `object`.

- Can now specify a GPU parameter for tasks.
- `Vectors.upload` allows you to upload a JSON newline delimited file.
- `Vectors.list_uploads` allows you to list all uploads for a vector product.
- `UploadTask` contains the information about an upload and is returned by both methods.


Not secure
Fixes incompatibility of upload features response.


Not secure
- Shapely is now a full requirement of this package. Note: Windows users should visit for installation guidance.
- Reduced the number of retries for some failure types.
- Resolved intermittent `SceneCollection.stack` bug that manifested as `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'coords'` due to Shapely thread-unsafety.
- Tracking system environment to improve installation and support of different systems.

- The vector service is now part of the public package. See `descarteslabs.vectors` and ``.

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