- Added a new `common.dltile` library that performs geospatial transforms and tiling operations.
- Upgraded various dependencies: `requests[security]>=2.25.1,<3`,`six>=1.15.0`,`blosc==1.10.2`,` mercantile>=1.1.3`,`Pillow>=8.1.1`,`protobuf>=3.14.0,<4`,`shapely>=1.7.1,<2`,`tqdm>=4.32.1`,`traitlets>=4.3.3,<6;python_version<'3.7'`,`traitlets==5.0.5,<6;python_version>='3.7'`,`markdown2>=2.4.0,<3`,`responses==0.12.1`,`freezegun==0.3.12`,`imagecodecs>=2020.5.30;python_version<'3.7'`,`imagecodecs>=2021.5.20;python_version>='3.7'`,`tifffile==2020.9.3;python_version<'3.7'`,`tifffile==2021.4.8;python_version>='3.7'`
Discover (alpha) - Added
- Added an **alpha** Discover client. Discover allows users to organize and share assets with other users. As an alpha release, we reserve the right to modify the Discover client API without any guarantees about backwards compatibility. See the [Discover API documentation]( for more details.
Metadata/Catalog V1 - Changed
- **breaking** Image (Scene) metadata now accepts and returns the `bucket` and `directory` fields as lists of strings, of a length equal to that
of the `files` fields. This allows the file assets making up an image to live in different locations. When creating new images,
a simple string can still be provided for these fields. It will automatically be converted to a list of (duplicated) strings as
necessary. As most users will never interact with these fields, the change should not affect user code.
Metadata/Catalog V1/Catalog V2 - Changed
- `derived_params` field for Image (scene) metadata now supported for product-specific service-implemented "native derived bands" which may
only be created for core products.
Scenes - Changed
- Scenes now uses the client-side `dltile` library to make DLTiles. This improves performance when creating a large number of DLTile objects.
- Scenes DLTile `from_shape` now has a parameter to return tile keys only instead of full tile objects. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- Scenes DLTile now has new methods: `iter_from_shape` that takes the same arguments as `from_shape` but returns an iterator ([from_shape docs](, `subtile` that adds the ability to subdivide tiles ([subtile docs](, and `rowcol_to_latlon` and `latlon_to_rowcol` which converts pixel coordinates to spatial coordinates and vice versa ([rowcol_to_latlon docs]( and [latlon_to_rowcol docs](
- Scenes DLTile now has a new parameter `tile_extent` which is the total size of the tile in pixels including padding. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- **breaking** Removed the dependence on `Raster` for tiling. The `raster_client` parameter has been removed from the `from_latlon`, `from_key`, `from_shape`, and `assign`DLTile methods.
- Tiling using `from_shape` may return a different number of tiles compared to previous versions under certain conditions. These tiles are usually found in overlapping areas between UTM zones and should not affect the overall coverage.
- DLTile geospatial transformations are guaranteed to be within eight decimal points of the past implementation.
- DLTile errors now come from the `dltile` library and error messages should now be more informative.
- When specifying output bounds in a spatial reference system different from the underlying raster, a densified representation of the bounding box is used internally to ensure that the returned image fully covers the bounds. For certain methods (like `mosaic`) this may change the returned image dimensions, depending on the SRSs involved.
- **breaking** As with the Metadata v1 client changes, the `bucket` and `directory` fields of the Scene properties are now multi-valued lists.
- Scenes does not support writing GeoTiffs to file-like objects. Non-JPEG GeoTiffs are always uncompressed.
Raster - Changed
- `dltiles_from_shape`, `dltiles_from_latlon`, and `dltile` have been removed. **It is
strongly recommended to test any existing code which uses the Raster API when upgrading to this
- Fully masked arrays are now supported and are the default. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- Added support to draw progress bar. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- The signature and return value of `Raster.raster()` have changed. The `save=` parameter has been removed as the resulting download is always saved
to disk, to a file named by the `outfile_basename=` parameter. The method returns a tuple containing the name of the resulting file and the metadata
for the retrieval, which is now an ordinary Python dictionary.
- As with Scenes, when specifying output bounds in a spatial reference system different from the underlying raster, a densified representation of the bounding box is used internally to ensure that the returned image fully covers the bounds. For certain methods (like `mosaic`) this may change the returned image dimensions, depending on the SRSs involved.
(Note: v1.8.0 was an internal-only release)