
Latest version: v3.2.2

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Not secure
Workflows (channel `v0-15`) - Added
- **Output formats for `.compute` including GeoTIFF, JSON**, PyArrow, and MessagePack. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- **Destinations for Job results: download and email**. Usage details can be found [in the docs](
- **Save `.compute` outputs to a file** with the `file=` argument.
- **Pixel value inspector**: click in the map widget to view pixel values.
- **`wf.ifelse`** for simple conditional logic.
- NumPy functions including `hypot`, `bitwise_and`, `bitwise_or`, `bitwise_xor`, `bitwise_not`, `invert`, and `ldexp`
- Bitwise `Array` and `MaskedArray` operations
- `size` attribute on `Array` and `MaskedArray`
- `astype` function on `Array` and `MaskedArray` for changing the dtype
- `flatten` function on `Array` and `MaskedArray` for flattening into a 1D array
- `MaskedArray.compressed` for getting all unmasked data as a 1D array
- `get` function on `Dict` and `KnownDict` for providing a default value if a key does not exist
- `nbands` attribute on `Image` and `ImageCollection`
- `proxify` can handle `scenes.GeoContext`s
- `Dict.contains`, `Dict.length`

Workflows - Fixed
- **Fewer failures and hanging calls when connecting to the Workflows backend** (like `.compute`, `.visualize`, `Job.get`, etc.)
- **`wf.numpy.histogram` works correctly with computed values for `range` and `bins` (such as `range=[arr.min(), arr.max()]`)**
- More consistent throughput when a large number of jobs are submitted
- `Array`s can now be constructed from proxy `List`s
- `MaskedArray.filled` works correctly when passed Python values
- Long-running sessions (like Jupyter kernels) refresh credentials instead of failing with auth errors after many hours of use
- `` and `wf.numpy.einsum` no longer fail when being called correctly
- Occasional errors like `('array-89199362e9a5d598fb5c82805136834d', 0, 0)` when calling `wf.compute()` with multiple values are resolved

Workflows - Changed
- **`pick_bands` accepts duplicate band names.** Enjoy easier Sentinel-1 `"vv vh vv"` visualizations!
- **`ImageCollection.from_id` is always ordered by date**
- `wf.numpy.percentile` no longer accepts an `axis` argument
- **breaking** `wf.Job` construction and interface changes:
- Use a single `wf.Job(..)` call instead of `` to create and launch a Job
- New `Job.result_to_file` method
- `Job.status` is removed in favor of a single `Job.stage`
- `wf.TimeoutError` renamed to `wf.JobTimeoutError`


Not secure
Workflows (channel `v0-14`) - Added
- **191 functions from NumPy are available for Workflows `Array`s**, including parts of the `numpy.linalg` and `` submodules. See the full list [on the docs](
- `index_to_coords` and `coords_to_index` methods on `Image`/`ImageCollection`/`GeoContext` for converting between geospatial and array coordinates
- `value_at` function on `Image` and `ImageCollection` for extracting single pixel values at spatial coordinates.

Workflows - Fixed
- Using datetimes as parameters to `visualize` behaves correctly.


Not secure
Catalog client

- Fixed a bug that prevented uploading ndarrays of type `uint8`

Workflows (channel `v0-13`) - Added
- Array support for `argmin`, `argmax`, `any`, `all`
- `pick_bands` supports an `allow_missing` kwarg to drop band names that may be missing from the data without an error.
- `wf.compute` supports passing lists or tuples of items to compute at the same time. Passing multiple items to `wf.compute`, rather than calling `obj.compute` for each separately, is usually faster.
- Casting from `Bool` to `Int`: `wf.Int(True)`
- Experimental `.inspect()` method for small computations during interactive use.

Workflows - Changed
- **[breaking]** Array no longer uses type parameters: now you construct an Array with `wf.Array([1, 2, 3])`, not `wf.Array[wf.Int, 1]([1, 2, 3])`. Remember, Array is an experimental API and will continue to make frequent breaking changes!
- Workflows now reuses the same gRPC client by default---so repeated or parallel calls to `.compute`, etc. will be faster. Calling `.compute` within a thread pool will also be significantly more efficient.

Workflows - Fixed
- `wf.numpy.histogram` correctly accepts a `List[Float]` as the `range` argument


Not secure
1.1.2 fixes a bug which caused Workflows map layers to behave erratically when changing colormaps.


Not secure
1.1.1 fixes a packaging issue that caused `import descarteslabs.workflows` to fail.

It also makes NumPy an explicit dependency. NumPy was already a transitive dependency, so this shouldn't cause any changes.

You should _NOT_ install version 1.1.0; 1.1.1 should be used instead in all circumstances.


Not secure
Catalog client

- `Image.upload()` now emits a deprecation warning if the image has a `cs_code` or `projection` property.
The projection defined in the uploaded file is always used and applied to the resulting image in the Catalog.
- `Image.upload_ndarray()` now emits a deprecation warning if the image has both a `cs_code` and a `projection`
property. Only one of them may be supplied, and `cs_code` is given preference.

- `SceneCollection.download_mosaic` has new default behavior for `mask_alpha` wherein the `alpha` band will be
used as a mask by default if it is available for all scenes in the collection, even if it is not specified in
the list of bands.

Workflows (channel `v0-12`) - Added
- **Experimental Array API** following the same syntax as NumPy arrays. It supports vectorized operations, broadcasting,
and multidimensional indexing.
- `ndarray` attribute of `Image` and `ImageCollection` will return a `MaskedArray`.
- Over 60 NumPy ufuncs are now callable with Workflows `Array`.
- Includes other useful `Array` functions like `min()`, `median()`, `transpose()`, `concatenate()`, `stack()`, `histogram()`, and `reshape()`.
- **`ImageCollection.sortby_composite()`** for creating an argmin/argmax composite of an `ImageCollection`.
- **Slicing** of `List`, `Tuple`, `Str`, and `ImageCollection`.
- `wf.range` for generating a sequence of numbers between start and stop values.
- `ImageCollectionGroupby.mosaic()` for applying `ImageCollection.mosaic` to each group.
- `wf.exp()`, `wf.square()`, `wf.log1p()`, `wf.arcsin()`, `wf.arccos()`, and `wf.arctan()`
- `Datetime.is_between()` for checking if a `Datetime` falls within a specified date range
- `FeatureCollection.contains()`
- Container operations on `GeometryCollection` including:
- `GeometryCollection.contains()`
- `GeometryCollection.sorted()`
- ``
- `GeometryCollection.filter()`
- `GeometryCollection.reduce()`
- `List` and `Tuple` can now be compared with other instances of their type via `__lt__()`, `__eq__()` etc.
- `List.__add__()` and `List.__mul__()` for concatenating and duplicating `List`s.

Workflows - Changed
- Products without alpha band and `nodata` value are rejected, instead of silently producing unwanted behavior.
- `ImageCollection.concat_bands` now throws a better error when trying to concatenate bands from another `ImageCollection` that is not the same length.
- `Any` is now promotable to all other types automatically.
- Better error when trying to iterate over Proxytypes.
- Interactive map: calls to `visualize` now clear layer errors.
- Interactive map: when setting scales, invalid values are highlighted in red.

Workflows - Fixed
- Better errors when specifying invalid type parameters for Proxytypes that require them.
- Field access on `Feature`, `FeatureCollection`, `Geometry`, and `GeomeryCollection` no longer fails.
- In `from_id`, processing level 'cubespline' no longer fails.

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