
Latest version: v3.2.2

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| As of January 1st, 2020, the client library no longer supports Python 2. For more information, please contact For help with porting to Python 3, please visit |
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Catalog client
- There is an entirely new backend supporting asynchronous uploads of image files and ndarrays with
the catalog client. There are minor changes to the `ImageUpload` class (a new `events` field has subsumed
`errors`, and the `job_id` field has been removed) but the basic interface is unchanged so most
code will keep functioning without any changes.
- It is now possible to cancel image uploads.
- Errors messages are now easier to read.
- Many improvements to the documentation.
- You can now create or retrieve an existing object using the `get_or_create` method.
- Retrieving a `Band` or `Image` by name is now possible by calling `get_band` or `get_image` on the
`Product` instance. You can also use the Product's `named_id` function to get a complete id for
images and bands.
- A new convenience function `make_valid_name` on `Image` and `Band` classes will return a sanitized
name without invalid characters.
- A new property `ATTRIBUTES` enumerates which attributes are available for a specific catalog object.
- Trying to set an attribute that does not exist will now raise `AttributeError`.
- `update_related_objects_permissions()` should no longer fail with a JSON serialization error.
- Setting a read-only attribute will now raise an `AttributeValidationError`.
- Saving a new object while one with the same id already exists will now raise a `ConflictError`
instead of `BadRequestError`.
- If a retrieved object has since been deleted from the catalog, saving any changes or trying to
reload it will now raise a `DeletedObjectError`.
- Resolution fields now accept string values such as "10m" or "0.008 degrees". If the value cannot
be parsed, an `AttributeValidationError` will be raised.
- Changes to the `extra_properties` attribute are now tracked correctly.

- This release no longer supports Python 2.
- This package is now distributed as a Python 3 wheel which will speed up installation.

Workflows (channel `v0-11`) - Added
- **Handling of missing data** via empty ImageCollections
- `ImageCollection.from_id` returns an empty ImageCollection if no data exist for the given time/place, rather than an error
- `ImageCollection.filter` returns an empty ImageCollection if the predicate is False for every Image, rather than an error
- `Image.replace_empty_with` and `ImageCollection.replace_empty_with` for explicitly filling in missing data
- See the [Workflows guide]( for more information
- **Docstrings and examples** on every class and function!
- **Assigning new metadata to Image properties** & bandinfo: `Image.with_properties()`, `Image.with_bandinfo()`
- Interactive map: **colorbar legends** on layers with colormaps (requires matplotlib)
- **`Dict.from_pairs`**: construct a Dict from a sequence of key-value pairs
- Map displays a **fullscreen button** by default (**[breaking]** if your code adds one, you'll now get two)
- **`wf.concat`** for concatentating `Image` and `ImageCollection` objects
- `ImageCollection.concat` now accepts `Image` objects; new `Image.concat` accepts `Image` or `ImageCollection`
- **`ImageCollection.mosaic()`**
- `FeatureCollection.sorted()`, `FeatureCollection.length()`, `FeatureCollection.__reversed__()`
- `GeometryCollection.length()`, `GeometryCollection.__reversed__()`

Workflows - Changed
- **`` now supports `ImageCollection`**, `FeatureCollection`, `GeometryCollection` as well as `List` and `Str`
- **Get a GeoContext for the current bounds of the map in any resolution, shape, or CRS** (including `"utm"`, which automatically picks the right UTM zone for you) with ``. Also now returns a Scenes GeoContext for better introspection and use with Raster.
- Better backend type-checking displays the possible arguments for most functions if called incorrectly
- `arr_shape` included when calling `wf.GeoContext.compute()`
- More readable errors when communication with the backend fails
- Interactive map: layout handles being resized, for example setting ` = '1000px'`
- `Any` is no longer callable; `Any.cast` encouraged
- `remove_layer` and `clear_layers` moved from `wf.interactive.MapApp` class to `wf.interactive.Map` (non-breaking change)
- **[possibly breaking]** band renaming in binary operators only occurs when broadcasting: `red + red` is just `red`, rather than `red_add_red`. `red + blue` is still `red_add_blue`. Code which depends on accessing bands by name may need to change.

Workflows - Fixed
- `wf.where` propagates masks correctly, and handles metadata correctly with multi-band inputs
- `processing_level="surface"` actually returns surface-reflectance-processed imagery
- `ImageCollection.sorted()` works properly
- Viewing global-extent WGS84 images on the Workflows map no longer causes errors
- `List` proxytype no longer infinitely iterable in Python
- Repeated use of `axis="bands"` works correctly
- `ImageCollection.from_images` correctly aligns the bands of the inputs
- Numeric casting (`wf.Int(wf.Float(2.2))`) works as expected
- More descriptive error when constructing an invalid `wf.Datetime`
- Computing a single `Bool` value derived from imagery works correctly


Not secure
- Update workflows client channel
- Workflows map UI is more stable: errors and layers won't fill the screen


Not secure
- Catalog client: Added an `update()` method that allows you to update multiple attributes at once.

- Catalog client: Images and Bands no longer reload the Product after calling `save`
- Catalog client: Various attributes that are lists now correctly track changes when modifying them with list methods (e.g. `Product.owners.append("foo")`)
- Catalog client: Error messages generated by the server have a nicer format
- Catalog client: Fix a bug that caused waiting for tasks to never complete
- The minimum `numpy` version has been bumped to 1.17.14 for Python version > 3.5, which addresses a bug with `scenes.display`

Workflows (channel `v0-10`) - Added
- `.compute()` is noticeably faster
- Most of the Python string API is now available on `workflows.Str`
- Interactive map: more descriptive error when not logged in to
- Passing the wrong types into functions causes more descriptive and reliable errors

Workflows - Fixed
- `RST_STREAM` errors when calling `.compute()` have been eliminated
- `Image/ImageCollection.count()` is much faster
- `.buffer()` on vector types now works correctly
- Calling `.compute()` on a `GeometryCollection` works


Not secure

- Catalog client: Added a `MaskBand.is_alpha` attribute to declare alpha channel behavior for a band.


- The maximum number of `extra_properties` allowed for Catalog objects has been increased from 10 to 50.
- Fixed bug causing `` to fail.

Workflows (channel `v0-9`) - Added
- When you call `.compute()` on an `Image` or `ImageCollection`, the `GeoContext` is included on the result object (`ImageResult.geocontext`, `ImageCollectionResult.geocontext`)

Workflows - Fixed
- Passing a Workflows `Timedelta` object (instead of a `datetime.timedelta`) into functions expecting it now behaves correctly
- Arguments to the reducer function for `reduce` are now in the correct order


Not secure

- A new catalog client in `descarteslabs.catalog` makes searching and managing products, bands and images easier. This client encompasses functionality previously split between the `descarteslabs.Metadata` and `descarteslabs.Catalog` client, which are now deprecated. Learn how to use the new API in the [Catalog guide](
- Property filtering expressions such as used in `` and `FeatureCollection.filter()` now support an `in_()` method.


- `` previously always returned successfully even if one or more of the downloads failed. Now if any of the downloads fail, a RuntimeError is raised, which will detail which destination files failed and why.
- Fixed a bug where geometries used with the Scenes client had coordinates with reduced precision.

Workflows (channel `v0-8`) - Added
- **Interactive parameters**: add parameters to map layers and interactively control them using widgets
- **Spatial convolution** with `wf.conv2d`
- Result containers have helpful `repr`s when displayed
- `Datetime` and `Timedelta` are unpacked into `datetime.datetime` and `datetime.timedelta` objects when computed.

Workflows - Changed
- **[breaking]** Result containers moved to `descarteslabs/workflows/results` and renamed, appending "Result" to disambiguate (e.g. ImageResult and ImageCollectionResult)
- **[breaking] `.bands` and `.images` attributes of ImageResult and ImageCollectionResult renamed `.ndarray`**
- **[breaking]** When `compute`-ing an `Image` or `ImageCollection`, **the order of `bandinfo` is only correct for Python >= 3.6**
- Interactive maps: coordinates are displayed in lat, lon order instead of lon, lat for easier copy-pasting
- Interactive maps: each layer now has an associated output that is populated when running autoscale and deleted when the layer is removed
- Interactive maps: `Image.visualize` returns a `Layer` object, making it easier to adjust `Layer.parameters` or integrate with other widgets

Workflows - Fixed
- Composing operations onto imported Workflows no longer causes nondeterministic errors when computed
- Interactive maps: `remove_layer` doesn't cause an error
- No more errors when creating a `wf.parameter` for `Datetime` and other complex types
- `.where` no longer causes a backend error
- Calling `` when the map is not fully initialized raises an informative error
- Operations on numbers computed from raster data (like `img_collection.mean(axis=None)`) no longer fail when computed
- Colormap succeeds when the Image contains only 1 value


Not secure
- `Raster.stack` `max_workers` is limited to 25 workers, and will raise a warning and set the value to 25 if a value more than 25 is specified.

Workflows (channel `v0-7`) - Added
- Interactive maps: `clear_layers` and `remove_layer` methods
- ImageCollections: `reversed` operator
- ImageCollections: `concat` and `sorted` methods
- ImageCollections: `head`, `tail`, and `partition` methods for slicing
- ImageCollections: `where` method for filtering by condition
- ImageCollections `map_window` method for applying sliding windows
- ImageCollections: Indexing into ImageCollections is supported (`imgs[1]`)
- **[breaking]** Statistics functions are now applied to named axes
- DateTime, Timedelta, Geocontext, Bool, and Geometry are now computable
- ImageCollectionGroupby ProxyObject for grouping ImageCollection by properties, and applying functions over groups
- ImageCollections: `groupby` method
- `parameter` constructor

Workflows - Changed
- Interactive maps: autoscaling is now done in the background
- Tiles requests can now include parameters
- `median` is noticeably faster
- `count` is no longer breaks colormaps
- `map`, `filter`, and `reduce` are 2x faster in the "PREPARING" stage
- Significantly better performance for functions that reference variables outside their scope, like

overall_comp = ndvi.mean(axis="images")
deltas = img: img - overall_comp)

- Full support for floor-division (`//`) between Datetimes and Timedeltas (`imgs.filter(lambda img:['date'] // wf.Timedelta(days=14)`)

Workflows - Removed
- **[breaking]** `` (in favor of indexing)

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