
Latest version: v2.5.7

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- Bump minimum django version to 1.8 (Riccardo)
- Hide custom way to override admin and app titles (Riccardo)
- Update templates to match django 1.8 features (Riccardo)
- Convert more fields to dab_field_rendering (Riccardo)
- Add RTL support (Ali Vakilzade)
- Add missing locale middleware to test project (Riccardo)


WARNING: we plan to do a very quick cycle for this series and move to django 1.8 support only

- bootstrap3 sub-application has been removed (Riccardo)
- Drop bootstrap3 theme for a flat look (Riccardo)
- Drop unmaintaned django-cms integration 52, 112 (Riccardo)
- Cleanup change list actions spacing 186 (David Rideout)
- Bump minimum django version to 1.7 (Riccardo)
- Hide fieldset rows without visible fields (Sylvain Fankhauser)
- Update screenshots in README.rst 187 (Riccardo)
- Update bootstrap to 3.3.4 184 (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Reverted commit that broken fieldsets on django 1.6. Oops! (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Django 1.8 compatibility fixes 177, 178 (Joel Burton)
- Fixed some glyphicons classes conversion from bootstrap 2 (Riccardo)
- Django 1.9 compatibility fixes (Riccardo)
- Fix running test project under a wsgi server (Riccardo)
- Cleanup change list actions and pagination a bit (Riccardo)
- Hide fieldset rows without visible fields (Sylvain Fankhauser)
- Add ability to run tests from setup (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Import firstof from future to ensure Django 1.8 compatibility 175 (Jamie Curle)
- Fix CheckboxSelectMultiple style 174 (Riccardo)
- Fix input-group-addon rendering 172 (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Cleanup messages tags usage in alerts 166 (Patrick Miller)
- Cope with django-bootstrap3 api update 171 (Fernando Gonzalez)
- Update bootstrap to 3.3.2 170 (Riccardo)
- Make the filter menu in change list scrollable 169 (Riccardo)

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