
Latest version: v2.5.7

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- FIX 56: jquery now loaded from local installation, not the CDN
- FIX 65: recent actions now has working urls


- django 1.6 compatibility
- experimental support to Django-CMS 2.4. This is thanks to a fork of kayluhb, which has never been transformed in a PR, but still it's worth a try.
- Python 3 compatibility (it has always been compatible, but now it's flagged appropriately as such)
- changed version to 1.6 to reflect the 'Stable' status of the project and the compatibility with Django 1.6


- display errors properly for inlines (thanks to jmagnusson)


- checkboxes now properly aligned
- admin title translation now working with a dedicated template


- tooltips for title attributes
- generic relation lookup plugin
- FIX: Twitter Bootstrap Responsive Navbar Broken on Small Screens ( as reported by Fernando (
- FIX: login page responsive layout
- FIX 6: autocapitalization disabled in the login form (mobile friendly)
- FIX 13: boolean fields will show the help text if provided
- FIX 36: list filters now partially usable on a mobile fine


- added compatibility for django-cms (thanks to kayluhb)
- xhtml cleanup (thanks to Ricklef Wohlers)
- UI cleanup (thanks to intuxicated & yceruto)
- Twitter Bootstrap version 2.3.1 (thanks to yceruto)
- admin static files now loaded using relative urls (thanks to jmagnusson)

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