
Latest version: v2.5.7

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WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Add missing import in custom field rendering 162 (James Oakley)
- Add missing timezone handling to base template 164 (qxcv)
- Add custom field rendering tests 163 (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Fix "Add model" button focus 156 (Riccardo)
- Cleanup django-filer templates (UI is terrible though) 158 (Riccardo)
- Add support for custom field rendering 152 (Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Fix "Add model" button hover 156 (Riccardo)
- Remove spurious hamburger icon in index (Riccardo)
- Fix collapsible handling with stacked inlines 129 (Brandon Cazander)


WARNING: bootstrap3 application is deprecated, would be removed in the next major release
Please remove it from the INSTALLED_APPS in

- Move bootstrap3 static and templates back to django admin bootstrapped (Riccardo)
- Upgrade bootstrap to 3.3.1 (Riccardo)
- Make inner header responsive 144 (Riccardo)


- Add missing translation to search button (Chun-Wei Shen)
- Fix js error on add view 155 (Riccardo, Marc)
- Fix opts.module_name RemovedInDjango18Warning 154 (Riccardo)


- Make form labels bigger (Marcio Mazza)
- Cleanup applicated related fields (P.A. Schembri)
- Don't break fieldsets with empty inlines (Christopher Trudeau)
- Fixup app label in breadcrumbs (P.A. Schembri)
- Navbar fixups 143 (Riccardo)
- Improve header contrast 150 (Riccardo)
- Cleanup login ui 142 (Riccardo)

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