
Latest version: v2.5.7

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WARNING: bootstrap2 is deprecated, please upgrade to bootstrap3, it will be removed in the next major release

- Fix fieldsets horizontal 110 (Riccardo)
- Fix app_name not visible with django 1.7 (Peter Lauri)
- Separate messages alert so that each message gets proper rendering 116 (Riccardo)
- Update compatibility to django >= 1.4, django < 1.7 119 (Peter Lauri, Riccardo)


WARNING: bootstrap2 is deprecated, please upgrade to bootstrap3, it will be removed in a few releases

- Fix fieldsets with more than one field per row 110 (Riccardo)
- Fix language selector (Riccardo)
- bootstrap3 misc fixes 111 (David Rideout)
- fix django cms template in django 1.6 107 (Riccardo, nordbit)


- lot of bugfixes for the Bootstrap 3 theme (Guillaume Andreu Sabater, xwrogue3)
- jquery scrollable fixes wrt inlines (xwrogue3)


- lot of bugfixes for the Bootstrap 3 theme


- Added jquery-migrate to better support external plugins
- Bootstrap 3: fix display of column groups. Also uses bootstrap grid for layout of multiple fields per row
- Error in README: updated instruction refering to where to place templates when embedding them in an app
- Fixing actions_on_top Go button not working


- Boostrap 3 theme (thanks to ze-phyr-us). In order to use it, add `django_admin_bootstrapped.bootstrap3` before `django_admin_bootstrapped` into your `INSTALLED_APPS` setting.

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