
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Fix Travis so it uses the correct python versions. [7580e6f](

- Fix Travis so it works with Python 3.7. [b9dd8fa](

- Fix 'Models aren't loaded yet' warning on import. [61e156b](

categories.registration._process_registry was being called in
categories/, but since Django 1.9 it hasn't been possible to
perform operations with models until the app registry is fully
loaded. Currently the `AppRegistryNotReady` exception is being caught
and printed, which means it is never actually executed on load.

Since this code isn't currently doing anything (other than emitting a
print() of a warning), I've removed it.
- Fix tests. [abec216](

Also dropped testing Django 1.10 since django-mptt requires Django>=1.11.
- Fix for TOXENV=py27-lint. [d542684](

- Fix for TOXENV=py27-lint. [6aacff3](

- Fixing model for TOXENV=py36-django110. [579aa2a](


- Adding opts to context for Django version 2 and above. [c53bc77](


- Upgrade build environment to Xenial. [7297154](

This makes it so Django 2.2 tests should pass
- Switch to tox-travis. [353a6d7](

- Py27-lint test fix. [3993038](

- Test Cases fix. [1dc6d47](

- Bug Fix : sortable was last argument. [6019c0d](

- Django 2.0 support in Admin. [a84bb00](

TypeError at /admin/categories/category/
__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'sortable_by'

- Update the version to 1.6.1. [f9c351b](

- Update Travis build badge. [170498d](

- Remove 3.7 from Travis config. [5a4b0a5](

- Remove Python 3.7 for Travis. [ddd7f50](

Removing since it doesn't look like it's supported.
- Update travis.yml. [c1a0e3a](

- Remove skip. [79fec52](

- Updated tree editor for typo. [e39b5d2](


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- Proposes changes based on 366ff74619811505ac73ac5ea2c0096ddab0ac51 and pull request 140 for Django 2.0 to pass CI tests. [a8dc71b](

- Made updates to get everything working with Django 2. [366ff74](


- Updated the version. [58ec14f](

- Updated the Travis CI config. [0e75ba5](

- Changed from using a string to importing the actual CASCADE function. [f6cd053](


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- Fix changlist TypeError. Return RequestContext as dict on changelist_view. Based on changes in Django 1.11 ( [926d85a](


- [1.5.4] Made sure example was excluded from packaging. [e770596](

- [1.5.4] Version bump. [0e338c7](

- [-] Updated test settings to test generic relations. [dd23a2d](

- [-] Get management commands compatible with Django 1.10+. [9c5ccb8](

- [-] Add migrations for simpletext example app. [408e69d](

- [-] Remove old django-cbv reference and adds better error checking in views. [9a71474](

- [-] Retrieve content types lazily in Generic Relations admin. [5dda534](

- [-] Check for a valid session id before trying to save or rollback a transaction. [7fa98fd](

- [-] Added additional test coverage for management commands and views. [63bb31d](

- [-] Updated tox and travis configurations to check py2.7 and 3.6 and django 1.8-1.11. [ec4664c](

- [-] Remove south migrations. [1df724f](

- [-] Set decendent_ids to empty list if not saved. [22c5630](

- This should have stayed. [254a05d](

- Removing every occurrence of Requestcontext and Context. [829d1cc](

- Django 1.11 compatibility. [af26da6](

- Support Django 1.11 testing environment. [3c9cb2d](


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- Fixed a ValueError that happened when trying to save a Category that has a thumbnail. [53b92f3](


- Version bump. [e21c304](


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- Fixed a unicode error that happens with Python 2.7. [fb0174c](


- Version bump. [5b230ef](


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- Added a missing migration. [d5bec42](


- Version bump. [d71d057](

- Just to be safe - pin it down. [121326d](

- Close table tag in templatetag result. [e1d5ed0](

In items_for_tree_result, there's a format_html call which builds HTML via string interpolation. It missed back slash in the closing tag. This commit adds that.

- Updated README.rst with svg badge. [9d219eb](

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