
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Version bump. [47554be](

- PEP8 fixes. [c4f7978](


- Updated the Travis config to test for Django 1.10. [04739df](

- Updated django-categories to work with Django 1.10. [b2497df](


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- Fixes popup raw_id fields for django versions 8 or greater. [5ad9a2a](


- Version bump. [96a0fa0](


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- Fixed it so display_for_field works with Django 1.8 and 1.9. [30d1eb5](


- Version bump. [ef58cae](


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- Fixed an exception error that happens when saving a category in the admin. [840ea77](


- Added setup.cfg file for creating universal wheel distribution. [f3514b6](

- Added coverage to tox. [1124ec2](

- Added some tests to test the admin. [0a1e7db](

- Added a makefile for common tasks. [6715302](


- Version bump. [4c7768f](

- Moved all template settings for the example app into the TEMPLATES Django setting. [f6e7b3f](

- Avoid the "Cannot call get_descendants on unsaved Category instances". [410caf8](
ValueError when adding categories in admin interface.

- Removed some RemovedInDjango110Warning warnings. [bdb6278](

- Removed contributors from the README since that information is in No sense maintaining it two places. [485ff6e](

- Updated the new in 1.4 information. [06e858b](


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- Fixed the max_length setting to use a int instead of a string. [f61e6f6](

- Fixed a test: file() doesn't work in Python 3, used open() instead. [32144dd](


- Added a tox.ini and updated the travis config to work with tox. [78c73d5](


- Release 1.4. [1cbc7cf](

- Made a bunch of flake8 fixes and also added flake8 testing to Travis and Tox. [64686cd](

- Switched to using _meta.get_fields() instead of ._meta.get_all_field_names() for compatibility with Django 1.9. [635d055](

- Made a fix for backwards compatibility with Python 2. [6f813fd](

- Replaced django.db.models.get_model with django.apps.apps.get_model for future compatibility with Django. [6acea02](

- B'' doesn't work under Python 3 in a migration file. [6e54f16](

- Switched to importing the correct templatetags that got renamed. [1deb79f](

- Switched form using smart_unicode to smart_text and force_unicode to force_text. [93d97d8](

- Switched from using django.db.models.loading.get_model to using django.apps.apps.get_model. [337cca5](

- Upgraded to django-mptt 0.8. [02d6b98](

- Switched form using force_unicode to force_text. [87a2209](

- Ran the 2to3 script `2to3 -w .`. [c5c459f](

- Ugettext may cause circular import. [188021e](

- Run the test with a different configuration. [8cb979c](

- Run the test with a different configuration. [3a238b1](

- Use singleton `registry` to import `register_fk` and `register_m2m` since they are members on `Registry` class. [c7344f6](


- Updated admin_tree_list_tags so that EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE has a compatible way of working with Django 1.9 and older versions. [e66df48](

- Updated urls to work without patterns since patterns is being deprecated. [0a5a3ef](

- Updated settings to remove all the TEMPLATE_* settings and put them into the TEMPLATES dict for Django 1.9 compatibility. [dfc277f](

- Changed __unicode__ to __str__ on the CategoryBase class for Python 3 compatibility. [600aaef](


[Compare the full difference.](


- Fixes potential double imports in dev and test servers. [dc99eac](

- Fixed a potential issue with double-loading of the dev server. [8dda6ec](

- Fixes a conflict with treebeard. They stole the name admin_tree_list. [dd60aeb](

- Fixed the RemovedInDjango19Warning deprecation warning. [74cc9f8](

- Fixed tests so they run under Django 1.7. [70abc1c](


- Added the fields property with it set to '__all__' in order to not get the RemovedInDjango18Warning. [9822ba8](


- Version bump to 1.3. [cf79d1b](

- Defaulting the url prefix to / if it can't find the category tree. [addb0e4](

- Version 1.3b8: Fixes some migrations. [7f8e303](

- Version 1.3b7 - fixes registration when there is no app config. [02780ba](

- Version bump to 1.3b6. [e841de7](

- Version bump to 1.3b5. [7cc0c99](

- Dramatically refactored how migrations are performed to work with Django 1.7. [acff7f0](

- Removing outdated settings and updating outdated files. [7c73bd5](

- Version bump to 1.3b4. [6eb306d](

- Changing migration dependency of contenttypes to 0001_initial for support for Django 1.7. [c6b7cdd](

- Version bump to 1.3b1. [87f9859](

- Small fixes in some fields. [69bf632](

- [-] Missed some migrations. [678e845](

- [-] Fixed some tree editor and generic collection issues. [4f51f96](

- [-] Migrations updates. [e0676d4](

- [-] 1.6/1.7/1.8 compatiable changes (WIP). [a6443ad](

- I18n: add french translation. [ab31c29](


- Updates the existing migration to south_migrations. [28ef4d5](

- Renamed get_query_set to get_queryset to get Django categories to work in Django 1.7. I'm not sure of a good way to make this work in Django 1.6. [58abcc7](

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