
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Fixes a bug trying to set active on decendants before object is saved. [2a0b476](


- Bumped version to 0.8.1. [801d269](


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- Added to the README. [4450a91](

- Added an active flag for models. [3e8a10a](


- Re-rendered the docs to reflect 0.8. [a937dfd](

- Version bump. [bcd38da](


- Improved Category import. [3fe5004](


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- Added a check in migrate_app to see if the app is a string or not. [7cb7482](


- Pruning the example project. [6f3a925](

- Version bump to 0.7.2. [8d0b5f9](

- PEP 8 formatting. [4d4793d](

- Ensure that the slug is always within the 50 characters it needs to be. [5a74525](


- Updated the get_version function to be PEP 386 compliant and version bump to 0.7.2b1. [309accf](

- Refactored the editor to become Django 1.1.1 compatible and some PEP8 formatting. [e7fad27](

- Changed the DatabaseError import to be more compatible. [4107cdd](

- Updated the readme. [1cb208c](


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- Version bump to 0.7.1. [4d3fdb0](

- Due to settings, the migration for the category relations table never would be created. This fixes it. [3b6d469](


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- Fixed a typo in the docs. [66b0f5b](


- Added a setting for the JAVASCRIPT_URL to make placement of the genericcollections.js file easier. [7bdfb32](

- Added compatibility with Django 1.1 by adding missing methods for editor and bumped version to 0.7beta2. [e922506](

- Added a get_latest_objects_by_category template tag. Might be useful. [d3cbb62](

- Added the ability to add the appropriate fields to a table if configured after an initial syncdb. [fdc025d](

- Added an alternate url field to the model. [cedd54e](


- Final version: 0.7. [fa6e2f1](

- Forgot to add the alternate_url to the admin. [b1ad054](

- Altered the inline template to display the content_object instead of the __unicode__ of the middle table. [6aae69b](

- Ooops, found a bug in the javascript. [e8154f0](

- Updating the documentation. [ed4db03](

- [Fixes issue 23] Changes the way the tree shows items when searched. Doesn't hide them in the template. [d48be41](

- Ignoring the example/media/ directory. [e257bd6](

- Bumping the version to 0.7beta1. [28bb8e5](


- Updated and rendered docs. [66e67a0](

- Refactored the registry into a registry of models and fields. This will make it easier for migrations. [7e83b12](

- Updated the gitignore for venv file. [7beb29a](

- Deleted old migration scripts since they were migrated to south. [89e3307](


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- Fixed a problem in the new admin creation where it wouldn't properly filter out the category fields by model. [d90dccd](

- Fixed the deprecated settings int he example app. [7d29584](

- Fixing stashing conflict. [9528f97](

- Fixed small errors in templatetags documentation and docstrings. [1100ad3](

- Fixed wrong var name in import_categories command. [cda1d0f](

- Fixed the homepage in the [8e0e49a](


- Added a Deprecation warning for CATEGORIES_RELATION_MODELS. [05a55fe](

- Adding South migrations. [8e843fb](

- Added some specialized functions for relations. [0fa7402](

- Added a class based view for the detail page of a model related to a category. [76d7461](

- Added a view that list items of specific model that are related to the current category. [c89c954](

- Added a class based CategoryDetailView that should be functionally identical to the original function based view. [1070cb7](

- Add optional thumbnail model field. [1ac5ae0](


- Final doc rendering. [7681919](

- Version bump to 0.6. [6f26261](

- Enabled new registry in the example app for testing. [fa2b680](

- The registry default settings needs to be an empty dict, not list. [97c45e7](

- Enable registering of models in settings. [4e8f490](

- [FIXED Issue 17] Refactored how the HTML is rendered, removing the checkbox from the <a> tag and pulling the parent checkbox from the row class. [70e758e](

- Putting registry outside of the try block. [141f753](

- Version bump to 0.6beta4. [7639d95](

- Updating settings for Django 1.3. [93cd476](

- Version bump to 0.6beta3. [3d91ff1](

- Ah, the wonders of copying and pasting. Fixed some errors resulting from it. [64dd94a](

- Version bump to 0.6beta2. [d64ad65](

- Clean up per pylint. [32b5451](

- Some Docs. [081d2ab](

- Allow for using django-cbv in Django 1.2.x. [4081fe8](

- Slight refactor of the default settings to clean it up. [4ce5a9e](

- Filled out all contributors. [8d46659](

- Moved path to category code into its own function to make reuse easier. [0b20115](

- Make admin js relative to MEDIA_URL. [7119ca8](

- Bumped the version for this branch. [3542b01](

- Make the initial state of the editor tree an app setting with collapsed as the default. [858a356](

- Real change I needed to make: return, not pass!. [e8b7aec](


- Updated docs. [441dbcd](

- Updated README. [7474cb0](

- Updated some of the setup info. [1ad18ec](

- Refactored the thumbnail from imagefield to filefield. [efe3cdd](

Why? ImageField causes hits to storage to fill out certain fields. Added a storage class and width/height fields so it is possible to scale the thumbnails and store them somewhere besides the filesystem.
- Remove 'to' from kwargs in CategoryM2MField and CategoryFKField. 'to' is already specified, and causes errors when running unit tests. [29ab094](

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