
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Removed the raising of an exception when it finds a model that is already registered. and bumped the version to 0.5.2. [47ddf73](


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- Bumped version number to 0.5.1. [f142f1a](

- The test for importing checks the first child. With two children either could be 1st, so remove one. [89646a6](

- Need to delete all the objects before each test because the import checks its work. [2bfe753](

- Checking for raising the correct exception and moved the strings used in the test to a list of strings. [31f1bfe](

- Got rid of the debugging print statements. [74d9910](


- Updated the test to test a new template tag, not the old one. [efc4b93](

- Changed the import to import from category_import. [6aad1c4](


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- Added contributors to the readme for proper recognition. [93086cf](

- Added logic to skip adding categories that are already defined for a modeladmin. [246c18d](

- Added additional fields to the display_list. [781f9d0](

- Adding a new import and alphabetizing them (OCD, I know). [df83dd2](

- Added a new template tag to override the painting of the admin rows. [d093d06](

- New template and media. [bb4a7b0](

- Added a placeholder for Django. [a841d7f](

- Adding a new version of TreeTable with a few minor changes to support row repainting. [ae49c9d](


- Bumped the version to 0.5. [57081cd](

- STATIC_URL seems to be returning as None even when not defined. [4632d43](

- ModelAdmin re-register now skips modeladmins without fieldsets already defined. [44508e0](

Was causing a "TypeError at /current/url/: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'tuple'"
- Got rid of the with_stories keyword for the category detail view. [7058ccd](

- Revised the README to get it up-to-date. [732c5f8](

- Long trees cause a performance hit if the initial state is expanded. Changing to "collapsed". [381d438](

- Getting rid of unused code in the treeeditor. [9d92b0d](

- Ignoring a few more things. [5dfc710](

- Made the media delivery work. [c55e56e](

- What's that doing there?. [6a112a4](

- Now that Django has a getchangelist function, we don't need to hack anymore. [039ba1f](

- Don't need to set that EDITOR_MEDIA_PATH any more. [d1bf06b](

- Reworked the template to initialize the correct javascript and use the result_tree_list. [7f0e93f](

- Got rid of hotlinking settings and changed the EDITOR_MEDIA_PATH. [f7faa54](

- Unstashing the previous changes. [4fbed62](


- Renamed 'media' directories to 'static' to work with the django 1.3 staticfiles app. [e5deb3f](

- Removed duplicate slash from EDITOR_MEDIA_PATH setting. [8f8bc6e](

- Updated the documentation!. [b2dec54](

- Updated the docstrings of the template tags and added breadcrumbs. [afe9d20](

- Refactored the templates to extend a categories/base.html. [91227ed](

- Renamed the README to indicate it is a reST file. [b5edbdc](

- Removed some unused cruft from the TreeEditor class. [b5c6482](

- Deleted an unused template. [d027b75](

- Removed unused code files. [6693d8d](

- Removed all the old, unused templates. [1e546b6](

- Removed all the old media. [80755c7](


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- Fixing bug 6 per primski. Adds the correct fields into the admin instead of both. [e1b53ae](


- Added a Meta class for proper plural naming. [a240fef](


- Bumped the version. [3abddf2](

- PyPI didn't like the license metadata. [11768c2](

- Upped version to 0.4.7. [1b8511a](

- Upped requirements to django-mptt 0.4.1. [66b6345](

- Bumped versino to 0.4.6. [754abe9](


- Updated the requirements to django-mptt 0.4.2. [70365f6](

- Modified Category model to work with django-mptt 0.4. [04da4c0](


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- Fix fieldsets assignment, issue 3. [502c50d](


- Bumped versino to 0.4.6. [754abe9](

- Category string, fixes issue 2. [027569f](

- Checks for parent if given enough path bits, version bump. [09b1cda](


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