* typo in keyword for parameter in dicom_to_sql (import_latest_plan_only changes to import_latest_only)
* Shapely speedups enabled, if available
* Shapely has calcs available in C, as opposed to C++
* centroid, dist_to_ptv_centroids, dth (distance to target histogram), spread_x, spread_y, spread_z, cross_section_max,
cross_section_median, columns added to DVHs
* These columns can be added by clicking Create Tables from Settings view, if running from source
* Running from Docker or pip install shouldn't need to do this manually
* dist_to_ptv_centroids and dth must be calculated from Admin view after proper ROI name mapping
* dth_string calculated with Calc PTV Dist in Admin view
* the string stored is csv representing a histogram with 0.1mm bins
* centroid, spread, and cross-sections also calculated at time of import
* calc in Admin view only required for data imported prior to 0.4.4 install
* Admin view now specifies Post-Import calculations via dropdown
* Added choice "Default Post-Import" to run through all calcs not done at time of DICOM import
* Endpoints for review DVH now calculated