
Latest version: v0.9.7

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- [Import] Option to import DVH stored in DICOM RT-Dose rather than calculate it. NOTE: Currently the source of the DVH
is not stored in the database.
- [Import] Fixed bug that caused datetime parsing to fail if DICOM timestamp had fractional seconds
(avoid the "unconverted data remains" error).
- [Import] Option to turn off automatic dose summation: [57](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/57)
- [Import] Bug fix: [59](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/59)
- [Import] SQLite import_time_stamp now actually includes time, and is in your local timezone
- [Import] SoftwareVersions and Deferred read error fix: [36](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/36)
- [Import] Treatment modalities are sorted before importing so database doesn't have ModalityA,ModalityB and
- [Export] New figure export implementation in tool bar, supports SVG and HTML. Note that SVG export requires
phantomJS to be installed, which is not a python library.
- [Plots] Plot options in User Settings no longer require DVHA to be restarted to be applied.


- [Endpoints] Fixed a bug where endpoint short-hand would not display on MS Windows
- [Import] Users can edit ROI Names with a right-click, rather than editing ROI Map
- [Import] Other right-click menu bug fixes on ROI tree
- [Import] Plan complexity calculation corrected, now is direct sum of all CP complexities
- [Import] Catch PatientSetupSequence error to allow for brachytherapy plan import
- [Import] Implement scipy.nd_image.map_coordinates for ~2.5x faster dose interpolation
- [Import] Fixed bug where DVHA could crash if trying to parse non-DICOM files (e.g. .html)
- [PyPI] scikit-learn changed 0.21 to 0.21.0, updated requirements.txt (as of v0.7.3.post1)
- [Settings] Inbox and Imported directory settings were not sticking: fixed per [issue 48](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/48)
- [ROI Name Map] Implementation of TG-263 compliance
- [ROI Name Map] Fixes for [issue 48](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/48)
- [ROI Name Map] Fixes for [issue 50](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/50)
- [Misc] To see which python libraries and versions are being used: Help -> Python Libraries Used


- [Import] Users can right-click an ROI name for a pop-up menu to more easily edit the ROI map
- [Import] Adding an ROI variation with right-click menu will predict a physician ROI name using fuzzy logic.
*NOTE: python-Levenshtein is an optional pip install for fuzzywuzzy speed improvements, but may require non-python
libraries to be installed. python-Levenshtein is not required for DVHA and makes no noticeable speed
improvements for these purposes.*
- [Import] Fix for [Issue 43](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/43) (DICOM Dose Summation)
- [Import] Fix for bug that ignored PTV related calculation for patients with multiple plans on one CT
- [Import] Fix for bug where importing did not use ROI Map edits during import screen
- [Import] Import window checkbox statuses default to previous import statuses
- [Machine Learning] Bug fix in model viewer that could not properly load non-default hyper-parameter values
- [Misc] Google user group now created [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dvh-analytics)


- [Import] Fix for [Issue 35](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/35)
- [Import] Fixed bug that kept StudyInstanceUID error after deleting the plan in the DB
and multiple plans are attached to the same StudyInstanceUID in the import fileset
- [Import] Ensure all imported plans are moved when multiple plans are attached to the same StudyInstanceUID


- [Executable] Reduced file size by ~20MB, MS Windows icon now works (needs fine-tuning)
- [Import] Ignore metacache.mim files on import, they throw a MemoryError in pydicom.read_file
- [Import] Fix for [Issue 26](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/26)
- [Import] Fixed a bug that lost parsed data after browsing for a new import directory, even when clicking cancel
- [Misc] Import, ROI Map, and Database windows now close on application quit
- [Misc] Better window management, only one instance of Import, ROI Map, and Database at a time


- [Import] Allow user to keep dicom files in the selected import directory
- [Import] Prevent crash on dose summation, dose sum bug still not fixed
- [Modeling] Allow user to open ML model without explicitly generating an MVR model
- [Query] Fix for [Issue 37](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/37)
- [Query] Proper min and max label updates with units in numerical query dialog
- [RadBio] Fix for [Issue 34](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/34)
- [Time Series] Calculate tests for normality, two sample t-test, and Wilcoxon ranksum
- [Misc] Corrected units for beam perimeter and area

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