- [Database] Initialize SQL tables if needed on Write Test (avoids crash)
- [Import] Cap DVH max dose to prevent excessive memory use [Issue 83](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/83)
- [Import] Save ROI Map in Import Module pushes ROI Map changes to previous imports as well
- [Import] When right-clicking ROI, then Add <ROI> as Physician ROI, ensure right-clicked ROI is added as a variation
if a different Physician ROI name is used
- [Plot Visuals] DVH Line selection and nonselection options available in User Settings
- [Plot Visuals] Fix for [Issue 86](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/86)
- [ROI Map] ROI Types now stored in ROI Map [Issue 81](https://github.com/cutright/DVH-Analytics/issues/81)