- [Correlation] New tab added showing a correlation matrix
- [Database Editor] Fix for GH Issue 19
- [DICOM Importer] Fix for GH Issue 18
- [DICOM Importer] Added Save ROI Map button, Importing actually saves ROI map now
- [Export] Fixed a bug that would not export DVHs Summary without also exporting DVHs
- [Export] Fixed a bug when exporting RadBio data, could crash when writing gamma ('\u03b3')
- [Machine Learning] Mean-square error prints in scientific notation if not between 1 and 1000
- [Query] DVH bin width may be set. SQL still stores 1cGy bin widths, but query will keep dvh data
using specified bin width. This results in faster bokeh plot generation.
- [Query] Query Groups are back!
- [Regressions] Bug fix when removing None and NaN data
- [Regressions] MS Windows only, if multiple dependent variables were defined, each new view displayed the same bokeh
layout. The following Machine Learning windows had the correct data. Fixed by including dependent variable name
html file name for multi-variable_regression. Did not affect other OSs because html files are stored only for MSW.
- [Regressions] Catch error on multi-variable regression, print error to dialog window
- [User Options] Fixed bug that did not restore saved options after clicking cancel