🌳 New
⭐ New bindings for the awesome [datashader](https://datashader.org/) library!
- Particularly useful to speed up plotting of **extremely large datasets** (>10M datapoints)
- Requires `datashader` to be installed (e.g. `conda install -c conda-forge datashader`)
- To use "datashader" for rendering the map, set the `plot-shape` to:
- `m.set_shape.shade_points(...)` :
use datashader to "shade" the data with infinitesimal points
- `m.set_shape.shade_raster(...)` :
(only for rectangular datasets with data_crs=plot_crs)
use datashader to "shade" the data as a dynamically updated QuadMesh
⭐ It is now possible to add a **Compass** (or a **North-Arrow**) to the map!
- simply use `c = m.add_compass(...)`
- the compass is dynamically updated on zoom events and can be dragged around with the mouse!
⭐ EOmaps now has some basic readers for common data-types (NetCDF, GeoTIFF, CSV)
- Requires `xarray`, `rioxarray` and `pandas`
- Use `gdf = m.read_file.NetCDF(...)` to read all relevant data
- Use `m = Maps.from_file.NetCDF(...)` to directly initialize a ``Maps``-object from a file
- Use `m2 = m.new_layer_from_file.NetCDF(...)` to add a new layer to an existing ``Maps`` object from a file
⭐ Support for Equi7Grid projection
- EOmaps now provides a cartopy-compatible crs for [Equi7Grid](https://github.com/TUW-GEO/Equi7Grid) projections!
- Requires `equi7grid` to be installed (e.g. `pip install equi7grid`)
from eomaps.projections import Equi7Grid_projection
m = Maps(Equi7Grid_projection("EU")
⭐ New clipping & re-projection methods for GeoDataFrames
- `m.add_gdf()` and `m.add_feature()` now have 2 new arguments: `reproject` and `clip`
(useful to avoid re-projection issues):
- `reproject` lets you select between geopandas (="gpd") and "cartopy" for re-projecting the geometries
- `clip` lets you select multiple ways for clipping the data prior to plotting
- "crs", "crs_bounds", "extent", "gdal_SymmetricDifference", "gdal_Intersection" and "gdal_Difference"
🌦️ changes
- The pixel-radius is now estimated using a more robust method if no explicit radius is provided.
- it's based on the median of the nearest-neighbour distances for the first 100k datapoints
- the number of datapoints used to estimate the radius can be adjusted by setting
`m.set_shape.radius_estimation_range `
- The `title` argument of `m.set_plot_specs` is now depreciated... use `m.ax.set_title()` instead!
⚙️ fixes
- fix `MapsGrid` crs-specifications with pyproj and `numpy`-dtypes
- fix skipping re-projection if "in-crs" == "plot_crs"
- fix `MapsGrid` has no attribute `preferred_wms_service`
- fix 'radius' estimation for shapes that do not explicitly require a radius
- fix background-layers need to be re-fetched if the figure canvas is resized
- clear data from memory if the figure is closed
- fix masking of nan-values prior to plotting
- `m.add_colorbar()` now supports setting the number of bins used to draw the histogram via the `histbins` kwarg
- make sure that zoom and close callbacks are only attached once to the figure
- fix delayed fetching of RestAPI services