A first series of bugfixes for EOmaps v6.0
> ❗ Make sure to check the release-notes for [EOmaps v6.0](https://github.com/raphaelquast/EOmaps/releases/tag/v6.0) ❗
> There are possibly breaking changes with respect to EOmaps v5.x
> (... and a lot of old syntax from v3.x, v4.x and v5.x has been removed)
> - An overview of the most important changes is provided here: [⚙ From EOmaps v5.x to v6.x](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/dev/FAQ.html#from-eomaps-v5-x-to-v6-x)
🌳 New
- `m.add_colorbar(extend=...)` now has an explicit kwarg to override the extension-arrow behavior
- It is now possible to use `m.redraw("layer1", "layer2")` to trigger a re-draw of specific layers
🔨 Fixes
- fix infinite recursions with `Compass` objects on zoom events
- fix updating `Scalebar` background patches on move
- fix recursions in `m.on_layer_activation()` callbacks
- fix inherited `Colorbar` axis positions if extension arrows are present
- fix performance issues with the companion-widget for large number of layers
- fix sizing of companion-widget layer-tabs
- make sure a draw-event is triggered if limits are set on data-plot
- make sure adding a `Colorbar` triggers associated layer-re-draws
- fix axis limits when updating layers for existing `Slider` widgets
- fix performance issues with `Colorbar` and `Compass` objects
- make sure to update if artist props are changed with the companion-widget
- avoid unnecessary re-draws of unaffected already cached backgrounds
- fix dynamic artist identification on transparent layer-overlays