
Latest version: v8.3.2

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A minor bugfix release to ensure immediate draws of new background artists

πŸ”¨ fixes
- fix setting vmin/vmax for encoded data
- fix add/remove bg_artists should immediately trigger a draw


A minor release that brings some nice performance improvements and a lot of bugfixes.

πŸ“ Improvements for the scalebar!

The ScaleBar implementation has been re-worked in terms of performance and usability.

- For details, check the section in the docs! [πŸ“ Scalebars](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#scalebars)

πŸ”¨ Fixes
- fix adding colorbars with `hist_size=None`
- fix treatment of inset-maps in peek-layer callbacks
- improve scalebar performance
- make sure scalebars are not positioned out of bounds
- cache transformer and crs objects to speed up initialization
- make sure spines are properly updated on refetch-bg actions
- make Maps-axes animated to avoid unnecessary draws of AxesImage objects
- speed up initialization of Maps objects
- fix performance issues with the companion-widget with many map-layers
- fix updating dynamic colorbars on layer change
- only print a warning on pick-dataset override if pick-callbacks are assigned
- fix inheriting classifications from maps using shade-shapes
- properly support `layer` kwarg for `m.text`
- make sure dynamic artists maintain plot order at same zorder
- fix inset-map indicator shapes should be permanent artists
- fix using uniform colors for delaunay_triangulations
- fix identification of intermediate shape-points if data=None
- unify treatment of vmin/vmax for all shapes
- fix issues with inherited classifications and vmin/vmax

⚠️ Depreciations
- The **ScaleBar** segment-length (`scale`) and number of segments (`n`) are now explicitly passed as arguments on initialization: `m.add_scalebar(scale=..., n=...)` (Old syntax is still functional but will raise an error in future versions!)


A new minor release with a lot of important fixes.

🌦️ changes
- Dynamic artists now properly respect the order of multi-layers
- Vertical stacking of artists is determined first by the layer-order and then by the intrinsic zorders within the layer
- Executing callbacks now clears temporary artists **only for the currently visible layer**
- The obsolete method `m.util.remove(...)` has been removed.
- call `.remove()` on the selector/slider instances directly to remove them!

🌳 New
- `m.util.layer_slider()` and `m.util.layer_selector()` now support using "combined layer tuples" when specifying layer-names that should be included in the widget (e.g. `layers=["layer1", ("layer1", "layer2")]` )
- `m.get_extent()` : get the extent of the map (a wrapper for `m.ax.get_extent()`)

πŸ”¨ Fixes
- ❗ Fix maintaining order of vertical stacking for background artists at the same zorder
- ❗ Fix vertical stacking order of dynamic artists on multi-layers
- ❗ Fix issues using `m.set_shape.raster()` with irregularly spaced datasets
- ❗ Fix automatic evaluation of intermediate points used for plot-shapes based on visible data size
- Fix issues with background patches for dynamic artists on ordinary (managed) axes
- Use unittests to check basic functionality of code-snippets in docs
- Mention `m.set_extent()` in the docs
- Update `docutils`, `sphinx` and `sphinx_rtd_theme` versions
- Only attempt to close netcdfs in `m.read_file.NetCDF` if opening was successful
- Fix triggering data_manager updates for dynamic collections


Primarily a bugfix release that also introduces new WebMap services!

🌳 New
- There is a new option to directly export figures with a "tight bbox" in the companion-widget.
<img src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22773387/225159717-b20f7601-c748-4fca-ab46-fab10adc13f8.png width=30%/>

πŸ—ΊοΈ new WebMap services
- **OpenStreetMap**
- Humanitarian (e.g. HOT) style (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/HOT_style)
- OpenSeaMap (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenSeaMap)
- **GMRT** (Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) Synthesis, https://gmrt.org/)
- **GLAD** (Global Land Analysis and Discovery Team, https://glad.umd.edu/)
- **GOOGLE** (Google Maps layers, https://google.com)
πŸŒ‘ EOmaps is going outta space!
(❗ NOTE: since these WebMaps are provided in an earth-based WebMercator projection, units of scalebars, geod-circles etc. will be wrong since they represent earth-based units)
- **OpenPlanets** - Mars and Moon WebMaps! (https://www.openplanetary.org)
<img src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22773387/225593290-dd789fb4-0965-4688-a42d-4c653c8c4fc0.png width=50%/>

🌦️ Changes
- `ESRI_ArcGIS` WebMap services are now fetched as `xyz` services

πŸ”¨ Fixes
- fix exporting figures with tight bboxes if `dpi=figure_dpi`
- fix data-manager issues if radius cannot be evaluated
- fix using custom globes with scalebars and gridlines
- make sure webmaps are added transparent in the companion-widget
- fix identification of picked values if `"shade_raster"` is used with 2D coordinates


A minor release that brings new WebMap services and addresses handling of non-EOmaps artists.

🌳 New

Improved handling of artists added with matplotlib/cartopy methods
Handling of artists added with methods NOT provided by `EOmaps` (e.g. using `matplotlib` or `cartopy` methods directly) has been improved:

- All artists that are created with non-`EOmaps` methods are now **drawn on the "base" layer by default**.
- To put artists on dedicated layers, you need to explicitly add them to the blit-manager (`m.BM`):
- for "dynamic" artists that have to be updated on every event on the map:
`m.BM.add_artist(artist, layer=...)`
- for "background" artists that only need to be re-drawn on pan/zoom/resize:
`m.BM.add_bg_artist(artist, layer=...)`

from eomaps import Maps
m = Maps(layer="base")
m.add_feature.preset.coastline() EOmaps method... the layer of `m` is used for the artist

a matplotlib method is used... this artist will show up on the "base" layer
m.ax.plot([10, 20, 30], [5, 78, 25], c="r", lw=3)

to put arbitrary artists on dedicated layers, add them to the blit-manager:
l, = m.ax.plot([10, 20, 30], [5, 78, 25], lw=2, c="b")
m.BM.add_bg_artist(l, layer="my_line")

πŸ—Ί New OpenStreetMap WebMap services added!
- OpenRiverboatMap
- CyclOSM
- OEPNV_public_transport
- OSM_WhereGroup
- OSM_WaymarkedTrails
- OSM_OpenRailwayMap
- OSM_CartoDB basemaps

πŸ”¨ Fixes

- fix drawing artists that were not added via EOmaps functions (e.g. using matplotlib/cartopy functionalitites)
- fix using `m.savefig()` with `bbox_inches="tight"`


A quick-fix release to fix adding multiple markers via lists of data IDs

πŸ”¨ Fixes
- fix adding multiple markers/annotations by ID

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