
Latest version: v8.3.1

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Just a hotfix release
🔨 fixes
- fix `ImportError` for `TriMesh` when using `matpltolib >= 3.6`


Another bugfix release.

🌳 New
- Make sure to also have a look at the new features added in [EOmaps v4.4](https://github.com/raphaelquast/EOmaps/releases/tag/v4.4)!
- There is now an option to draw a an "outline" on top of the colorbar-histogram with:
- `m.add_colorbar(show_outline=True)` (for a black outline with linewidth 1)
- `m.add_colorbar(show_outline=dict(color="b", linewidth=2))` (for a custom outline)


🔨 Fixes
- fix using `m.cb.pick` callbacks with datasets assigned to the `"all"` layer
- raise error if undefined objects are passed to NetCDF and GeoTIFF readers
- fix using the LayoutEditor to move colorbars with "arrow-keys"
- fix default styles must be provided as list for wms and wmts services!


A quick bugfix release
🔨 Fixes
- fix providing kwargs to WebMap services (time, styles etc.)



A release that introduces 2 new functionalities: `m.add_line`, `m.cb.move` and the ability to use **keypress-modifiers** for callbacks!

🌳 New
🚲 A new method to quickly draw paths on a map!
- ⭐ `m.add_line()`: connect points via geodesic (or straight) lines!
- specify number of intermediate points per line-segment
- (alternatively) specify distance between intermediate points for each line-segment
- checkout the new [🚲 example](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/dev/EOmaps_examples.html#lines-and-annotations) and the corresponding section in the [📖 documentation!](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/dev/api.html#lines)

<img src="https://github.com/raphaelquast/EOmaps/blob/dev/docs/_static/example_lines.png?raw=true" width=75%/>

🛸 New features for callbacks!

👾 Keypress-modifiers

It is now possible to assign multiple callbacks to **the same** mouse-button and use keyboard-shortcuts
to switch between the assigned callbacks!
(e.g. the callback will only be executed if the corresponding button is pressed on the keyboard)

- 🌟 simply provide the modifier of choice with the `modifier=...` argument!
- e.g.: `m.cb.click.attach.annotate(modifier="a")` : this callback will only be executed if the `"a"` key is pressed
- 🌟 You can make modifiers "sticky" (e.g. to keep them activated after the button is released) by using:
- `m.cb.click.set_sticky_modifiers("a", "b", "c")`
- "sticky modifiers" are assigned separately for `click`, `pick` and `move` callbacks
- to release a "sticky modifier" press `ctrl + <modifier key>` or `escape`

- checkout the corresponding section in the [📖 documentation!](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/dev/api.html#using-modifiers-for-pick-click-and-move-callbacks)

⭐ `move` callbacks

There's now an explicit container to attach callbacks that are executed
**on mouse movement if NO button is clicked**

- NOTE: use `m.cb.click.attach...` to execute callbacks on mouse-movement if a button is clicked!
- and set `on_motion=False` to avoid executing the click-callback on mouse-movements

m = Maps()
m.cb.move.attach.mark(modifier=1, radius=2, radius_crs=4326, fc="none", ec="r")

🌦️ Changes
- ❗ `m.cb.click.attach.mark()` now uses `permanent=False` by default

- 🏞️ NaturalEarth features have been updated

<summary> click for a list of new features</summary>


10m_cultural: {'admin_0_countries_iso', 'parks_and_protected_lands', 'admin_0_countries_tlc'}
10m_physical: {'bathymetry_G_4000', 'graticules_20', 'bathymetry_K_200', 'bathymetry_E_6000', 'graticules_1', 'bathymetry_A_10000', 'bathymetry_F_5000', 'bathymetry_C_8000', 'bathymetry_B_9000', 'bathymetry_L_0', 'bathymetry_H_3000', 'bathymetry_I_2000', 'wgs84_bounding_box', 'bathymetry_J_1000', 'graticules_5', 'bathymetry_D_7000', 'graticules_30', 'graticules_10', 'graticules_15'}
110m_physical: {'graticules_15', 'graticules_20', 'graticules_1', 'wgs84_bounding_box', 'graticules_5', 'graticules_30', 'graticules_10'}
50m_physical: {'graticules_20', 'graticules_1', 'wgs84_bounding_box', 'graticules_5', 'graticules_30', 'graticules_10', 'graticules_15'}


🔨 Fixes
- fix sharing boundary and inset-marker properties for inset-maps
- fix issues with invalid clipping shapes
- fix issues with geometries that cannot be exploded
- make sure temporary artists are cleared prior to executing callbacks
- fix issues with dynamically updated legends and temporary artists
- fix error when trying to update colorbar-arrows without a colorbar
- avoid re-fetching WebMap tiles if extent remains the same
- fix unnecessary re-draws of artists after overlay-actions


A new release that brings some nice updates and an awesome new **Layout-Editor**!

🌦️ Changes
- 🍃 utility-widgets now **auto-update** themselves if new layers are added to the map!
- to show only a subset of the available layers, use `m.util.layer_selector(layers=["layer1", ...])`
- 🍃 coastlines are no longer added by default when creating new layers from files (e.g. NetCDF, GeoTIFF etc.)
- (use `coastlines=True` or explicitly call `m.add_feature.preset.coastline()` to add coastlines!)
- 🍃 `m.add_gdf` now allows using a `path` to a file that can be read with `geopandas.read_file` instead of providing the `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` directly
- ❗ keyword-arguments for `m.new_inset_map` have changed!
- `edgecolor` and `linewidth` are depreciated and will be removed in next major versions!
- to set the properties of the boundary-polygon, use `m.new_inset_map(boundary=dict(fc="r", lw=1)` instead
- ❗ `m.cb.dynamic` has been removed
🌳 New

⭐ New accessor for classification schemes
The new classification-schemes accessor 🌟 `m.set_classify` provides **autocompletion** and proper **docstrings**!
(you can use it just as you would use `m.set_classify_specs`)

Just select the scheme you want to use and call it with the relevant parameters:
m = Maps()

alternative (old) way to set the classification:
m.set_classify_specs(scheme="Quantiles", k=5)

⭐ There's a new [🏗️ Layout Editor](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#layout-editor) to quickly re-arrange the subplots of a figure!
<img src=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22773387/176476897-119658ca-0882-4880-a906-7af787887a3d.gif width=65%>

The **Layout Editor** can be used to quickly re-arrange the position of all axes in the figure.
(works for maps, colorbars, inset-maps, ordinary matplotlib plots etc.)
- You can save and re-apply a layout with:
- 🌟`m.get_layout()`: get the current layout (or dump the layout as a json-file)
- 🌟`m.apply_layout()`: apply a given layout (or load and apply the layout from a json-file)
- 🌟`m.edit_layout(filepath=...)`: enter LayoutEditor and (optionally) save layout as a json-file on exit

To quickly enter/exit Layout Editor, simply use the assigned keyboard-shortcuts:
- press `ALT + L` to enter the **LayoutEditor** mode
- press `ALT + L` again or `escape` to exit the **LayoutEditor**

Have a look at the new section in the [📖 documentation](https://eomaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#layout-editor) for more details!

🔨 Fixes
- fix recognizing the parent layer when initializing utility-widgets from the parent Maps object
- fix layer-selectors should indicate no active layer if the active layer is not part of the widget
- updates for inset-maps
- add fix for reprojection issues with certain projections
- fix reprojection sometimes masks certain shapes


A minor bugfix release.

🌳 new
- there is now an option to completely disable extension arrows when adding a colorbar
(e.g. with `m.add_colorbar(add_extend_arrows=False)`)

- it is now possible to set the "layer" of an inset-map on initialization (e.g. `m.new_inset_map(layer="adsf")`
(by default, the `"all"` layer is used for inset-maps!)

🔨 fixes
- fix using alpha-transparency with wms and wmts services (e.g. `m.add_wms.<service>.add_layer.<layer>(alpha=0.5)`)
- fix colors of histogram-bins if the bins extend over more than one colorbar-split
- fix position of colorbar extension-arrows after using `m.subplots_adjust`
- fix appearance of "vertical" colorbar extension arrows

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