
Latest version: v0.115.11

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Not secure
Breaking Changes

This version of FastAPI drops support for Python 3.6. 🔥 Please upgrade to a supported version of Python (3.7 or above), Python 3.6 reached the end-of-life a long time ago. 😅☠

* 🔧 Update package metadata, drop support for Python 3.6, move build internals from Flit to Hatch. PR [5240]( by [ofek](


Not secure
🚨 This is probably the last release (or one of the last releases) to support Python 3.6. 🔥

Python 3.6 reached the [end-of-life and is no longer supported by Python]( since around a year ago.

You hopefully updated to a supported version of Python a while ago. If you haven't, you really should.


* ✨ Add support in `jsonable_encoder` for include and exclude with dataclasses. PR [4923]( by [DCsunset](


* 🐛 Fix `RuntimeError` raised when `HTTPException` has a status code with no content. PR [5365]( by [iudeen](
* 🐛 Fix empty reponse body when default `status_code` is empty but the a `Response` parameter with `response.status_code` is set. PR [5360]( by [tmeckel](


* 📝 Update ``. PR [5377]( by [Kludex](


* ⬆ [] pre-commit autoupdate. PR [5352]( by [pre-commit-ci[bot]](


Not secure
🚨 This is probably the last release (or one of the last releases) to support Python 3.6. 🔥

Python 3.6 reached the [end-of-life and is no longer supported by Python]( since around a year ago.

You hopefully updated to a supported version of Python a while ago. If you haven't, you really should.


* ✨ Export `WebSocketState` in `fastapi.websockets`. PR [4376]( by [matiuszka](
* ✨ Support Python internal description on Pydantic model's docstring. PR [3032]( by [Kludex](
* ✨ Update `ORJSONResponse` to support non `str` keys and serializing Numpy arrays. PR [3892]( by [baby5](


* 🐛 Allow exit code for dependencies with `yield` to always execute, by removing capacity limiter for them, to e.g. allow closing DB connections without deadlocks. PR [5122]( by [adriangb](
* 🐛 Fix FastAPI People GitHub Action: set HTTPX timeout for GraphQL query request. PR [5222]( by [iudeen](
* 🐛 Make sure a parameter defined as required is kept required in OpenAPI even if defined as optional in another dependency. PR [4319]( by [cd17822](
* 🐛 Fix support for path parameters in WebSockets. PR [3879]( by [davidbrochart](


* ✏ Update Hypercorn link, now pointing to GitHub. PR [5346]( by [baconfield](
* ✏ Tweak wording in `docs/en/docs/advanced/`. PR [3698]( by [pfackeldey](
* 📝 Add note about Python 3.10 `X | Y` operator in explanation about Response Models. PR [5307]( by [MendyLanda](
* 📝 Add link to New Relic article: "How to monitor FastAPI application performance using Python agent". PR [5260]( by [sjyothi54](
* 📝 Update docs for `ORJSONResponse` with details about improving performance. PR [2615]( by [falkben](
* 📝 Add docs for creating a custom Response class. PR [5331]( by [tiangolo](
* 📝 Add tip about using alias for form data fields. PR [5329]( by [tiangolo](


* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [5315]( by [Xewus](
* 🌐 Update Chinese translation for `docs/zh/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4529]( by [ASpathfinder](
* 🌐 Add Chinese translation for `docs/zh/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4969]( by [Zssaer](
* 🌐 Fix MkDocs file line for Portuguese translation of ``. PR [5242]( by [ComicShrimp](


* 👥 Update FastAPI People. PR [5347]( by [github-actions[bot]](
* ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0. PR [5321]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* ⬆ [] pre-commit autoupdate. PR [5318]( by [pre-commit-ci[bot]](
* ✏ Fix a small code highlight line error. PR [5256]( by [hjlarry](
* ♻ Internal small refactor, move `operation_id` parameter position in delete method for consistency with the code. PR [4474]( by [hiel](
* 🔧 Update sponsors, disable ImgWhale. PR [5338]( by [tiangolo](


Not secure

* ✨ Add ReDoc `<noscript>` warning when JS is disabled. PR [5074]( by [evroon](
* ✨ Add support for `FrozenSet` in parameters (e.g. query). PR [2938]( by [juntatalor](
* ✨ Allow custom middlewares to raise `HTTPException`s and propagate them. PR [2036]( by [ghandic](
* ✨ Preserve `json.JSONDecodeError` information when handling invalid JSON in request body, to support custom exception handlers that use its information. PR [4057]( by [UKnowWhoIm](


* 🐛 Fix `jsonable_encoder` for dataclasses with pydantic-compatible fields. PR [3607]( by [himbeles](
* 🐛 Fix support for extending `openapi_extras` with parameter lists. PR [4267]( by [orilevari](


* ✏ Fix a simple typo in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [5193]( by [GlitchingCore](
* ✏ Fix typos in `tests/`. PR [5126]( by [supraaxdd](
* ✏ Fix typos in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [5142]( by [invisibleroads](
* 📝 Add step about upgrading pip in the venv to avoid errors when installing dependencies `docs/en/docs/`. PR [5181]( by [edisnake](
* ✏ Reword and clarify text in tutorial `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [5169]( by [papb](
* ✏ Fix minor typo in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [5206]( by [OtherBarry](
* ✏ Fix minor typos in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [5125]( by [Ksenofanex](
* 📝 Add external link to docs: "Fastapi, Docker(Docker compose) and Postgres". PR [5033]( by [krishnardt](
* 📝 Simplify example for docs for Additional Responses, remove unnecessary `else`. PR [4693]( by [adriangb](
* 📝 Update docs, compare enums with identity instead of equality. PR [4905]( by [MicaelJarniac](
* ✏ Fix typo in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [4886]( by [MicaelJarniac](
* 🎨 Fix syntax highlighting in docs for OpenAPI Callbacks. PR [4368]( by [xncbf](
* ✏ Reword confusing sentence in docs file ``. PR [3219]( by [ccrenfroe](
* 📝 Update docs for handling HTTP Basic Auth with `secrets.compare_digest()` to account for non-ASCII characters. PR [3536]( by [lewoudar](
* 📝 Update docs for testing, fix examples with relative imports. PR [5302]( by [tiangolo](


* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [5289]( by [impocode](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/deployment/`. PR [4985]( by [emp7yhead](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4921]( by [batlopes](
* 🌐 Update `ko/mkdocs.yml` for a missing link. PR [5020]( by [dalinaum](


* ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.21.1 to 2.22.0. PR [5258]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* ⬆ [] pre-commit autoupdate. PR [5196]( by [pre-commit-ci[bot]](
* 🔥 Delete duplicated tests in `tests/test_tutorial/test_sql_databases/`. PR [5040]( by [raccoonyy](
* ♻ Simplify internal RegEx in `fastapi/`. PR [5057]( by [pylounge](
* 🔧 Fix Type hint of `auto_error` which does not need to be `Optional[bool]`. PR [4933]( by [DavidKimDY](
* 🔧 Update mypy config, use `strict = true` instead of manual configs. PR [4605]( by [michaeloliverx](
* ♻ Change a `dict()` for `{}` in `fastapi/`. PR [3138]( by [ShahriyarR](
* ♻ Move internal variable for errors in `jsonable_encoder` to put related code closer. PR [4560]( by [GuilleQP](
* ♻ Simplify conditional assignment in `fastapi/dependencies/`. PR [4597]( by [cikay](
* ⬆ Upgrade version pin accepted for Flake8, for internal code, to `flake8 >=3.8.3,<6.0.0`. PR [4097]( by [jamescurtin](
* 🍱 Update Jina banner, fix typo. PR [5301]( by [tiangolo](


Not secure
Breaking Changes - Fixes

* 🐛 Fix `response_model` not invalidating `None`. PR [2725]( by [hukkin](

If you are using `response_model` with some type that doesn't include `None` but the function is returning `None`, it will now raise an internal server error, because you are returning invalid data that violates the contract in `response_model`. Before this release it would allow breaking that contract returning `None`.

For example, if you have an app like this:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
price: Optional[float] = None
owner_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None

app = FastAPI()

app.get("/items/invalidnone", response_model=Item)
def get_invalid_none():
return None

...calling the path `/items/invalidnone` will raise an error, because `None` is not a valid type for the `response_model` declared with `Item`.

You could also be implicitly returning `None` without realizing, for example:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
price: Optional[float] = None
owner_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None

app = FastAPI()

app.get("/items/invalidnone", response_model=Item)
def get_invalid_none():
if flag:
return {"name": "foo"}
if flag is False, at this point the function will implicitly return None

If you have *path operations* using `response_model` that need to be allowed to return `None`, make it explicit in `response_model` using `Union[Something, None]`:

from typing import Union

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
price: Optional[float] = None
owner_ids: Optional[List[int]] = None

app = FastAPI()

app.get("/items/invalidnone", response_model=Union[Item, None])
def get_invalid_none():
return None

This way the data will be correctly validated, you won't have an internal server error, and the documentation will also reflect that this *path operation* could return `None` (or `null` in JSON).


* ⬆ Upgrade Swagger UI copy of `oauth2-redirect.html` to include fixes for flavors of authorization code flows in Swagger UI. PR [3439]( initial PR by [koonpeng](
* ♻ Strip empty whitespace from description extracted from docstrings. PR [2821]( by [and-semakin](
* 🐛 Fix cached dependencies when using a dependency in `Security()` and other places (e.g. `Depends()`) with different OAuth2 scopes. PR [2945]( by [laggardkernel](
* 🎨 Update type annotations for `response_model`, allow things like `Union[str, None]`. PR [5294]( by [tiangolo](


* 🌐 Fix typos in German translation for `docs/de/docs/`. PR [4533]( by [0xflotus](
* 🌐 Add missing navigator for `` in Korean translation. PR [5238]( by [joonas-yoon](
* (Empty PR merge by accident) [4913](


Not secure

* 🐛 Fix `jsonable_encoder` using `include` and `exclude` parameters for non-Pydantic objects. PR [2606]( by [xaviml](
* 🐛 Fix edge case with repeated aliases names not shown in OpenAPI. PR [2351]( by [klaa97](
* 📝 Add misc dependency installs to tutorial docs. PR [2126]( by [TeoZosa](


* 📝 Add note giving credit for illustrations to [Ketrina Thompson]( PR [#5284]( by [tiangolo](
* ✏ Fix typo in ``. PR [5116]( by [Kludex](
* ✏ Fix typo in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [5007]( by [atiabbz](
* 📝 Remove unneeded Django/Flask references from async topic intro. PR [5280]( by [carltongibson](
* ✨ Add illustrations for Concurrent burgers and Parallel burgers. PR [5277]( by [tiangolo]( Updated docs at: [Concurrency and Burgers](


* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4775]( by [batlopes](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/security/`. PR [4954]( by [FLAIR7](
* 🌐 Add translation for `docs/zh/docs/advanced/`. PR [4638]( by [zhangbo2012](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/deployment/`. PR [3689]( by [rjNemo](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `tutorial/`. PR [4769]( by [frnsimoes](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/`. PR [3451]( by [rjNemo](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4854]( by [AdmiralDesu](
* 🌐 Add Chinese translation for `docs/tutorial/security/`. PR [3841]( by [jaystone776](
* 🌐 Add Japanese translation for `docs/ja/docs/advanced/`. PR [4205]( by [sUeharaE4](
* 🌐 Add Indonesian translation for `docs/id/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4705]( by [bas-baskara](
* 🌐 Add Persian translation for `docs/fa/docs/` and tweak right-to-left CSS. PR [2395]( by [mohsen-mahmoodi](


* 🔧 Update Jina sponsorship. PR [5283]( by [tiangolo](
* 🔧 Update Jina sponsorship. PR [5272]( by [tiangolo](
* 🔧 Update sponsors, Striveworks badge. PR [5179]( by [tiangolo](

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