* Implement dependency cache per request.
* This avoids calling each dependency multiple times for the same request.
* This is useful while calling external services, performing costly computation, etc.
* This also means that if a dependency was declared as a *path operation decorator* dependency, possibly at the router level (with `.include_router()`) and then it is declared again in a specific *path operation*, the dependency will be called only once.
* The cache can be disabled per dependency declaration, using `use_cache=False` as in `Depends(your_dependency, use_cache=False)`.
* Updated docs at: [Using the same dependency multiple times](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/sub-dependencies/#using-the-same-dependency-multiple-times).
* PR [292](https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi/pull/292).
* Implement dependency overrides for testing.
* This allows using overrides/mocks of dependencies during tests.
* New docs: [Testing Dependencies with Overrides](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/testing-dependencies/).
* PR [291](https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi/pull/291).