
Latest version: v0.115.5

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Not secure
* ⬆️ Upgrade Starlette version to `>=0.27.0` for a security release. PR [9541]( by [tiangolo]( Details on [Starlette's security advisory](


* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/advanced/`. PR [9326]( by [oandersonmagalhaes](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/deployment/`. PR [9417]( by [Xewus](
* 🌐 Add setup for translations to Lao. PR [9396]( by [TheBrown](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9403]( by [Xewus](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/deployment/`. PR [9428]( by [Xewus](
* ✏ Fix command to install requirements in Windows. PR [9445]( by [MariiaRomanuik](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/advanced/`. PR [9415]( by [axel584](
* 🌐 Initiate Czech translation setup. PR [9288]( by [3p1463k](
* ✏ Fix typo in Portuguese docs for `docs/pt/docs/`. PR [9337]( by [lucasbalieiro](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9370]( by [nadia3373](


* 🐛 Fix `flask.escape` warning for internal tests. PR [9468]( by [samuelcolvin](
* ✅ Refactor 2 tests, for consistency and simplification. PR [9504]( by [tiangolo](
* ✅ Refactor OpenAPI tests, prepare for Pydantic v2. PR [9503]( by [tiangolo](
* ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.26.0 to 2.27.0. PR [9394]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* 💚 Disable setup-python pip cache in CI. PR [9438]( by [tiangolo](
* ⬆ Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.6.4 to 1.8.5. PR [9346]( by [dependabot[bot]](


Not secure

* 🐛 Fix using `Annotated` in routers or path operations decorated multiple times. PR [9315]( by [sharonyogev](


* 🌐 🔠 📄 🐢 Translate docs to Emoji 🥳 🎉 💥 🤯 🤯. PR [5385]( by [LeeeeT](
* 📝 Add notification message warning about old versions of FastAPI not supporting `Annotated`. PR [9298]( by [grdworkin](
* 📝 Fix typo in `docs/en/docs/advanced/`. PR [5681]( by [Leommjr](
* ✏ Fix wrong import from typing module in Persian translations for `docs/fa/docs/`. PR [6083]( by [Kimiaattaei](
* ✏️ Fix format, remove unnecessary asterisks in `docs/en/docs/`. PR [9249]( by [armgabrielyan](
* ✏ Fix typo in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9272]( by [nicornk](
* ✏ Fix typo/bug in inline code example in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9273]( by [tim-habitat](
* ✏ Fix typo in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9282]( by [aadarsh977](
* ✏ Fix typo: 'wll' to 'will' in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9380]( by [dasstyxx](


* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/advanced/`. PR [5673]( by [axel584](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/`. PR [4053]( by [luccasmmg](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [5994]( by [Xewus](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/`. PR [5912]( by [LorhanSohaky](
* 🌐 Add Portuguese translation for `docs/pt/docs/tutorial/`. PR [5936]( by [LorhanSohaky](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [6002]( by [stigsanek](
* 🌐 Add Korean translation for `docs/tutorial/dependencies/`. PR [9176]( by [sehwan505](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [9243]( by [Xewus](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/`. PR [9265]( by [frabc](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/tutorial/`. PR [9267]( by [dedkot01](
* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [9271]( by [Xewus](


* 🔧 Update sponsors: remove Jina. PR [9388]( by [tiangolo](
* 🔧 Update sponsors, add databento, remove Ines's course and StriveWorks. PR [9351]( by [tiangolo](


Not secure

This release adds support for dependencies and parameters using `Annotated` and recommends its usage. ✨

This has **several benefits**, one of the main ones is that now the parameters of your functions with `Annotated` would **not be affected** at all.

If you call those functions in **other places in your code**, the actual **default values** will be kept, your editor will help you notice missing **required arguments**, Python will require you to pass required arguments at **runtime**, you will be able to **use the same functions** for different things and with different libraries (e.g. **Typer** will soon support `Annotated` too, then you could use the same function for an API and a CLI), etc.

Because `Annotated` is **standard Python**, you still get all the **benefits** from editors and tools, like **autocompletion**, **inline errors**, etc.

One of the **biggest benefits** is that now you can create `Annotated` dependencies that are then shared by multiple *path operation functions*, this will allow you to **reduce** a lot of **code duplication** in your codebase, while keeping all the support from editors and tools.

For example, you could have code like this:

def get_current_user(token: str):
authenticate user
return User()

def read_items(user: User = Depends(get_current_user)):
def create_item(*, user: User = Depends(get_current_user), item: Item):

def read_item(*, user: User = Depends(get_current_user), item_id: int):

def delete_item(*, user: User = Depends(get_current_user), item_id: int):

There's a bit of code duplication for the dependency:

user: User = Depends(get_current_user)

...the bigger the codebase, the more noticeable it is.

Now you can create an annotated dependency once, like this:

CurrentUser = Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)]

And then you can reuse this `Annotated` dependency:

CurrentUser = Annotated[User, Depends(get_current_user)]

def read_items(user: CurrentUser):
def create_item(user: CurrentUser, item: Item):

def read_item(user: CurrentUser, item_id: int):

def delete_item(user: CurrentUser, item_id: int):

...and `CurrentUser` has all the typing information as `User`, so your editor will work as expected (autocompletion and everything), and **FastAPI** will be able to understand the dependency defined in `Annotated`. 😎

Roughly **all the docs** have been rewritten to use `Annotated` as the main way to declare **parameters** and **dependencies**. All the **examples** in the docs now include a version with `Annotated` and a version without it, for each of the specific Python versions (when there are small differences/improvements in more recent versions). There were around 23K new lines added between docs, examples, and tests. 🚀

The key updated docs are:

* Python Types Intro:
* [Type Hints with Metadata Annotations](
* Tutorial:
* [Query Parameters and String Validations - Additional validation](
* [Advantages of `Annotated`](
* [Path Parameters and Numeric Validations - Order the parameters as you need, tricks](
* [Better with `Annotated`](
* [Dependencies - First Steps - Share `Annotated` dependencies](

Special thanks to [nzig]( for the core implementation and to [adriangb]( for the inspiration and idea with [Xpresso](! 🚀


* ✨Add support for PEP-593 `Annotated` for specifying dependencies and parameters. PR [4871]( by [nzig](


* 📝 Tweak tip recommending `Annotated` in docs. PR [9270]( by [tiangolo](
* 📝 Update order of examples, latest Python version first, and simplify version tab names. PR [9269]( by [tiangolo](
* 📝 Update all docs to use `Annotated` as the main recommendation, with new examples and tests. PR [9268]( by [tiangolo](


Not secure

* 🎨 Fix types for lifespan, upgrade Starlette to 0.26.1. PR [9245]( by [tiangolo](


Not secure

* ⬆ Upgrade python-multipart to support 0.0.6. PR [9212]( by [musicinmybrain](
* ⬆️ Upgrade Starlette version, support new `lifespan` with state. PR [9239]( by [tiangolo](


* 📝 Update Sentry link in docs. PR [9218]( by [smeubank](


* 🌐 Add Russian translation for `docs/ru/docs/`. PR [5986]( by [Xewus](


* ➕ Add `pydantic` to PyPI classifiers. PR [5914]( by [yezz123](
* ⬆ Bump black from 22.10.0 to 23.1.0. PR [5953]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* ⬆ Bump types-ujson from to PR [6027]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* ⬆ Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2.24.3 to 2.26.0. PR [6034]( by [dependabot[bot]](
* ⬆ [] pre-commit autoupdate. PR [5709]( by [pre-commit-ci[bot]](


Not secure

* ✨ Add support for `lifespan` async context managers (superseding `startup` and `shutdown` events). Initial PR [2944]( by [uSpike](

Now, instead of using independent `startup` and `shutdown` events, you can define that logic in a single function with `yield` decorated with `asynccontextmanager` (an async context manager).

For example:

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI

def fake_answer_to_everything_ml_model(x: float):
return x * 42

ml_models = {}

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
Load the ML model
ml_models["answer_to_everything"] = fake_answer_to_everything_ml_model
Clean up the ML models and release the resources

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

async def predict(x: float):
result = ml_models["answer_to_everything"](x)
return {"result": result}

**Note**: This is the recommended way going forward, instead of using `startup` and `shutdown` events.

Read more about it in the new docs: [Advanced User Guide: Lifespan Events](


* ✏ Fix formatting in `docs/en/docs/tutorial/` for `ReDoc`. PR [6005]( by [eykamp](


* 🌐 Tamil translations - initial setup. PR [5564]( by [gusty1g](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/fr/docs/advanced/`. PR [9221]( by [axel584](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `docs/tutorial/`. PR [9175]( by [frabc](
* 🌐 Initiate Armenian translation setup. PR [5844]( by [har8](
* 🌐 Add French translation for `deployment/`. PR [3693]( by [rjNemo](


* 👷 Update translation bot messages. PR [9206]( by [tiangolo](
* 👷 Update translations bot to use Discussions, and notify when a PR is done. PR [9183]( by [tiangolo](
* 🔧 Update sponsors-badges. PR [9182]( by [tiangolo](
* 👥 Update FastAPI People. PR [9181]( by [github-actions[bot]](
* 🔊 Log GraphQL errors in FastAPI People, because it returns 200, with a payload with an error. PR [9171]( by [tiangolo](
* 💚 Fix/workaround GitHub Actions in Docker with git for FastAPI People. PR [9169]( by [tiangolo](
* ♻️ Refactor FastAPI Experts to use only discussions now that questions are migrated. PR [9165]( by [tiangolo](
* ⬆️ Upgrade analytics. PR [6025]( by [tiangolo](
* ⬆️ Upgrade and re-enable installing Typer-CLI. PR [6008]( by [tiangolo](

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