**Fixes:** * Migration fixes * Ensure regenerator runtime is available (needed for mathlive)
**Fixes:** * Multi-step diffs in which a later step fails to apply to the document need to fail entirely, even if one of the first steps was valid.
**Fixes:** * Always store the document as minified JSON.
**Features:** * General translation update * Set JSON Patch as default method after tests have have shown it is noticeably faster.
**Features:** * Table/figure captions in the main editor so they can be styled * dropdowns that don't create scroll bars
**Major features:** * Merge dialog for conflicts between offline/online users (thanks to anandksalien ) * Table captions * Styling of epub navigation pages * Prosemirror-py for server side handling of changes instead of separate json patch * Django 3.1 upgrade * Use jsonfields for json data in database * IDs for tables and lists * Support direnv for development