* Add 'REGISTRATION_OPEN' setting (default: True). When set to False, it prevents user signup.
* ProseMirror to 0.24 -> 1.0 (bug fixes)
* Local storage fixes for outdated databases
* Disable toolbar buttons bold/italic when selection is gapcursor
* Avoid Caret placement in hidden nodes
* Really focus when clicking on placeholder in doc
* Split keywords when pasting keywords with ';' and ','
* Remove unused loadCSS dependency
* modify gapcursor (and bundle temporarily) to allow gapcursor positions between table and body start/end
[Check the Wiki](https://github.com/fiduswriter/fiduswriter/wiki/)
To upgrade from a previous 3.3.x release, follow the instructions in the [Wiki](https://github.com/fiduswriter/fiduswriter/wiki/).
To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:
1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Inside your virtual env, run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. Then run `./manage.py migrate`
7. then run `./manage.py transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.