
Latest version: v3.11.18

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* Remove square in background while waiting for document


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.


* Remove non-working upper-right X in editor
* Make browser connection with incorrect websocket connection reload


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.


* Throttle sustained fast message sending over longer periods of time while allowing temporary sending of messages in quick succession.


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.


* Handle too fast typing


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.


* Reverse: "focus on editor after closing revision menu", as it does not know about editor


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.


* Ensure that there is a textblock node at the end of any body, abstract or footnote

* Focus on editor after closing menu


To upgrade from the 3.2 branch, do the following:

1. Make a backup of your database and the fiduswriter folder (which includes the images of users).
2. Upgrade **first** to version 3.2.3.
3. On your Fidus Writer installation, go to `/admin/maintenance/`, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"
4. Upgrade your sources to this version.
5. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
6. run `./ migrate`
7. run `./ transpile`
8. Go to `/admin/maintenance/` a second time, click the button and wait until the button text reads "all documents and revisions updated!"

To upgrade from older versions (3.0, 3.1), upgrade first to the last patch version of that release and then upgrade to the next minor version as many times as needed until you reach 3.3.

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