
Latest version: v0.44.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add ``parameter`` argument to ``register_blueprint`` to document path
parameters in url_prefix (:pr:`313`).
- Don't force ``sort_keys=True`` in ``_generate_etag`` to respect
``JSON_SORT_KEYS`` app setting (:pr:`305`).

Bug fixes:

- Fix automatic documentation of responses with a status code implying an empty
body response to reflect that the body is empty (:pr:`318`).

Other changes:

- Official Python 3.10 support (:pr:`308`).
- Drop support for Python 3.6 (:pr:`306`).
- Drop PyPy from CI tests (:pr:`307`).




- *Backwards-incompatible*: Modify ``alt_response`` signature. The second
positional is now a response reference as string. If none is provided, then
the response dic is built using keyword arguments. The schema is optional and
can be a reference as string. (:pr:`283`)
- Allow ``alt_response`` to define a success response, so that other
processings applying to this response are correctly documented (:pr:`284`).

Other changes:

- Format code using black with pre-commit (:pr:`282`).
- Use dependabot to update dependencies (:pr:`286` and :pr:`288`).
- Specify `apispec[marshmallow]` rather than `apispec` in `install_requires`
in setup.py (:pr:`287`).



Bug fixes:

- Fix method order in spec for view functions (:pr:`281`).




- Add ``tags`` parameter to ``Blueprint.route`` and ``Blueprint.add_url_rule``

Bug fixes:

- When registering a ``MethodView``, if methods are specified with the
``methods`` argument, only document those methods (:pr:`274`).




- *Backwards-incompatible*: Lazy-register components (default responses, ETag
and pagination headers) so that they only appear in the spec if they are
used. Remove ``ResponseReferencesPlugin``. Rename
- Override ``Blueprint.add_url_rule`` to allow the use of ``add_url_rule``,
not only the ``route`` decorated form (:pr:`272`).

Other changes:

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Drop apispec < 5.1.0 (:pr:`265`)




- Support ``Blueprint`` registration with custom names (a feature introduced in
Flask 2.0.1) (:pr:`266`).
- Replace ``missing`` with ``load_default`` in ``PaginationParametersSchema``.
The latter is deprecated in marshmallow 3.13.0. (:pr:`265`)

Other changes:

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Drop marshmallow < 3.13.0 (:pr:`265`)
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Support apispec 5. Drop apispec < 5.0.0 (:pr:`265`)

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