
Latest version: v0.44.0

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- Add default description to responses (:pr:`113`).
Thanks :user:`nonnib` for the pull-request.




- Official Python 3.8 support (:pr:`108`).



Bug fixes:

- Fix passing ``spec_kwargs`` in ``Api.__init__`` and ``app`` in
``Api.init_app`` (:issue:`103`).



Rename to `flask-smorest` (:issue:`42`).




- *Backwards-incompatible*: Only return status code and short name in error
handler (:pr:`84`).
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove logging from error handler. Logging can be
achieved in application code by overriding ``handle_http_exception``.
Remove ``_prepare_error_response_content``. Response payload is computed in
``handle_http_exception``. (:pr:`85`)
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove ``InvalidLocationError``. The mapping from
webargs locations to OAS locations is done in apispec and no exception is
raised if an invalid location is passed. (:pr:`81`)
- Add ``content_type`` argument to ``Blueprint.arguments`` and provide
reasonable default content type for ``form`` and ``files`` (:pr:`83`).
- Add ``description`` parameter to ``Blueprint.arguments`` to pass description
for ``requestBody`` (:pr:`93`).
- Allow customization of docstring delimiter string (:issue:`49`).
- Support file uploads as `multipart/form-data` (:pr:`97`).

Bug fixes:

- Fix documentation of ``form`` and ``files`` arguments: use ``requestBody``
in OAS3, document content type (:pr:`83`).

Other changes:

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Don't republish ``NestedQueryArgsParser`` anymore.
This belongs to user code and can be copied from webargs doc (:pr:`94`).
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Bump minimum apispec version to 3.0.0.



Bug fixes:

- Fix detection of unhandled exceptions in error handler for Flask=>1.1.0

Other changes:

- Bump minimum Flask version to 1.1.0. From this version on, uncaught
exceptions are passed to the error handler as ``InternalServerError`` with
the exception attached as ``original_exception`` attribute. (:pr:`82`)

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