- *Backwards-incompatible*: Refactor automatic documentation generation. At
import time, each decorator stores information under its own namespace in
the view function's ``_apidoc`` attribute. Then at app init time, the
information is used to generate the docs. This allows access to init time
parameters, such as OpenAPI version or application parameters like feature
toggle flags, when generating the doc. Custom decorators storing doc in
``_apidoc`` must adapt by storing doc under their own name (e.g.:
``_apidoc['custom']``), creating a doc preparation callback (e.g.:
``_prepare_custom_doc`` and appending this callback to
``Blueprint._prepare_doc_cbks``. (:pr:`123`).
- Define all possible HTTP responses as response components and automatically
document "error" responses: ``"Default Error"`` when ``response`` is used,
response returned by ``arguments`` on client input error, and responses for
304, 412 and 428 when ``etag`` is used. Also document pagination header.
- Document error response in ``paginate`` decorator (:pr:`126`).
Bug fixes:
- *Backwards-incompatible*: Ensure pagination arguments are in query string.
``'page'`` and ``'page_size'`` arguments passed in any other location are
ignored by ``paginate`` decorator. (:pr:`127`)