
Latest version: v0.44.0

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- *Backwards-incompatible*: Add ``OPENAPI_SWAGGER_UI_CONFIG`` to allow passing
a dict of Swagger UI configuration parameters. Remove
``OPENAPI_SWAGGER_UI_SUPPORTED_SUBMIT_METHODS``: the same can be achieved by
passing ``supportedSubmitMethods`` in ``OPENAPI_SWAGGER_UI_CONFIG``. Remove
``layout`` and ``deepLinking`` default overrides. Those can be passed in
``OPENAPI_SWAGGER_UI_CONFIG`` as well. (:pr:`171`).
Thanks :user:`joshua-harrison-2011` for the pull-request.




- *Backwards-incompatible*: Make API title and version mandatory parameters.
Before this change, the version would default to ``"1"`` and the title would
be ``app.name``. Those two parameters can be passed at init or as application
configuration parameters ``TITLE`` and ``API_VERSION``. Also rename
``OpenAPIVersionNotSpecified`` to ``MissingAPIParameterError``. (:pr:`169`).
Thanks :user:`playpauseandstop` for the help on this.

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Rework pagination documentation to allow more
customization. This change will break code overriding
``PAGINATION_HEADER_DOC``, ``_make_pagination_header`` or
``_prepare_pagination_doc`` (:pr:`153`).




- Add ``flask openapi print`` and ``flask openapi write`` commands (:pr:`154`).

Other changes:

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Drop support for Python 3.5.



Bug fixes:

- Use HTTPStatus ``phrase``, not ``name``, in response description (:pr:`158`).



Bug fixes:

- Deep-copy the documentation information for each method of a resource. This
fixes a crash when a view function serves several methods, due to apispec
mutating doc info dict. (:pr:`147`)
Thanks :user:`DrChrisLevy` for reporting.




- Support webargs 6.0.0 (:pr:`132`).

Other changes:

- *Backwards-incompatible*: Drop support for webargs < 6.0.0. Marshmallow 3
code with stacked ``arguments`` using the same location must ensure the
arguments schema have ``Meta.unknown=EXCLUDE``. This also applies to
``arguments`` with ``query`` location stacked with ``paginate``. Also,
validation error messages are namespaced under the location. See the
upgrading guide in webargs documentation for more details and a comprehensive
list of changes. (:pr:`132`)

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