> **WARNINGs**:
> 1. This update requires running a fix-db script, available at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fractal-analytics-platform/fractal-server/1.4.2/scripts/fix_db/current.py.
> 2. Starting from this version, non-verified users have limited access to `/api/v1/` endpoints. Before the upgrade, all existing users must be manually set to verified.
* API:
* Prevent access to `GET/PATCH` task endpoints for non-verified users (\1114).
* Prevent access to task-collection and workflow-apply endpoints for non-verified users (\1099).
* Make first-admin-user verified (\1110).
* Add the automatic setting of `ApplyWorkflow.end_timestamp` when patching `ApplyWorkflow.status` via `PATCH /admin/job/{job_id}` (\1121).
* Change `ProjectDump.timestamp_created` type from `datetime` to `str` (\1120).
* Change `_DatasetHistoryItem.workflowtask` type into `WorkflowTaskDump` (\1139).
* Change status code of stop-job endpoints to 202 (\1151).
* API (internal):
* Implement cascade operations explicitly, in `DELETE` endpoints for datasets, workflows and projects (\1130).
* Update `GET /project/{project_id}/workflow/{workflow_id}/job/` to avoid using `Workflow.job_list` (\1130).
* Remove obsolete sync-database dependency from apply-workflow endpoint (\1144).
* Database:
* Add `ApplyWorkflow.project_dump` column (\1070).
* Provide more meaningful names to fix-db scripts (\1107).
* Add `Project.timestamp_created` column, with timezone-aware default (\1102, \1131).
* Remove `Dataset.list_jobs_input` and `Dataset.list_jobs_output` relationships (\1130).
* Remove `Workflow.job_list` (\1130).
* Runner:
* In SLURM backend, use `slurm_account` (as received from apply-workflow endpoint) with top priority (\1145).
* Forbid setting of SLURM account from `WorkflowTask.meta` or as part of `worker_init` variable (\1145).
* Include more info in error message upon `sbatch` failure (\1142).
* Replace `sbatch` `--chdir` option with `-D`, to support also slurm versions before 17.11 (\1159).
* Testing:
* Extended systematic testing of database models (\1078).
* Review `MockCurrentUser` fixture, to handle different kinds of users (\1099).
* Remove `persist` from `MockCurrentUser` (\1098).
* Update `migrations.yml` GitHub Action to use up-to-date database and also test fix-db script (\1101).
* Add more schema-based validation to fix-db current script (\1107).
* Update `.dict()` to `.model_dump()` for `SQLModel` objects, to fix some `DeprecationWarnings`(\1133).
* Small improvement in schema coverage (\1125).
* Add unit test for `security` module (\1036).
* Dependencies:
* Update `sqlmodel` to version 0.0.14 (\1124).
* Benchmarks:
* Add automatic benchmark system for API's performances (\1123)
* App (internal):
* Move `_create_first_user` from `main` to `security` module, and allow it to create multiple regular users (\1036).