
Latest version: v2.2.0

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> WARNING: Running this version on a pre-existing database (where the `jobsv2`
> table has some entries) is broken. Running this version on a freshly-created
> database works as expected.

* API:
* Fix bug in status endpoint (\1449).
* Improve handling of out-of-scope scenario in status endpoint (\1449).
* Do not include dataset `history` in `JobV2.dataset_dump` (\1445).
* Forbid extra arguments in `DumpV2` schemas (\1445).
* API V1:
* Do not include dataset `history` in `ApplyWorkflow.{input,output}_dataset_dump` (\1453).
* Move settings logs to `check_settings` and use fractal-server `set_logger` (\1452).
* Benchmarks:
* Handle some more errors in benchmark flow (\1445).
* Tests:
* Update testing database to version 2.0.1 (\1445).


* Database/API:
* Do not include `dataset_dump.images` in `JobV2` table (\1441).
* Internal functions:
* Introduce more robust `reset_logger_handlers` function (\1425).
* Benchmarks:
* Add `POST /api/v2/project/project_id/dataset/dataset_id/images/query/` in bechmarks to evaluate the impact of the number of images during the query (\1441).
* Development:
* Use `poetry` 1.8.2 in GitHub actions and documentation.


Major update.


> WARNING: Starting from this version, the dependencies for the `slurm` extra
> are required; commands like `pip install fractal-server[slurm,postgres]` must
> be replaced by `pip install fractal-server[postgres]`.

* Dependencies:
* Make `clusterfutures` and `cloudpickle` required dependencies (\1255).
* Remove `slurm` extra from package (\1255).
* API:
* Handle invalid history file in `GET /project/{project_id}/dataset/{dataset_id}/status/` (\1259).
* Runner:
* Add custom `_jobs_finished` function to check the job status and to avoid squeue errors (\1266)


This release is a follow-up of 1.4.7 and 1.4.8, to mitigate the risk of
job folders becoming very large.

* Runner:
* Exclude `history` from `TaskParameters` object for parallel tasks, so that it does not end up in input pickle files (\1247).


This release is a follow-up of 1.4.7, to mitigate the risk of job folders
becoming very large.

* Runner:
* Exclude `metadata["image"]` from `TaskParameters` object for parallel tasks, so that it does not end up in input pickle files (\1245).
* Exclude components list from `workflow.log` logs (\1245).
* Database:
* Remove spurious logging of `` string (\1245).

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