
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* Review setup for database URLs, especially to allow using UNIX-socket connections for postgresl (\657).


Not secure
* Fix bug that was keeping multiple database conection open (\649).


Not secure
* Fix bug related to `user_local_exports` in SLURM-backend configuration (\642).


Not secure
* Fix bug upon creation of first user when using multiple workers (\632).
* Allow both ports 5173 and 4173 as CORS origins (\637).


Not secure
* Drop `project.project_dir` and replace it with `user.cache_dir` (\601).
* Update SLURM backend (\582, \612, \614); this includes (1) combining several tasks in a single SLURM job, and (2) offering more granular sources for SLURM configuration options.
* Expose local user exports in SLURM configuration file (\625).
* Make local backend rely on custom `FractalThreadPoolExecutor`, where `parallel_tasks_per_job` can affect parallelism (\626).
* Review logging configuration (\619, \623).
* Update to fastapi `0.95` (\587).
* Minor improvements in dataset-edit endpoint (\593) and tests (\589).
* Include test of non-python task (\594).
* Move dummy tasks from package to tests (\601).
* Remove deprecated parsl backend (\607).
* Improve error handling in workflow-import endpoint (\595).
* Also show logs for successful workflow execution (\635).


Not secure
* Include `reordered_workflowtask_ids` in workflow-edit endpoint payload, to reorder the task list of a workflow (\585).

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