
Latest version: v2.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* Align with new tasks interface in `fractal-tasks-core>=0.8.0`, and remove `glob_pattern` column from `resource` database table (\544).
* Drop python 3.8 support (\527).
* Improve validation of API request payloads (\545).
* Improve request validation in project-creation endpoint (\537).
* Update the endpoint to patch a `Task` (\526).
* Add new project-update endpoint, and relax constraints on `project_dir` in new-project endpoint (\563).
* Update `DatasetUpdate` schema (\558 and \565).
* Fix redundant task-error logs in slurm backend (\552).
* Improve handling of task-collection errors (\559).
* If `FRACTAL_BACKEND_RUNNER=slurm`, include some configuration checks at server startup (\529).
* Fail if `FRACTAL_SLURM_WORKER_PYTHON` has different versions of `fractal-server` or `cloudpickle` (\533).


Not secure
* Fix handling of parallel-tasks errors in `FractalSlurmExecutor` (\497).
* Add test for custom tasks (\500).
* Improve formatting of job logs (\503).
* Improve error handling in workflow-execution server endpoint (\515).
* Update `_TaskBase` schema from fractal-common (\517).


Not secure
* Update endpoints to import/export a workflow (\495).


Not secure
* Add new endpoints to import/export a workflow (\490).


Not secure
* Separate workflow-execution folder into two (server- and user-owned) folders, to avoid permission issues (\475).
* Explicitly pin sqlalchemy to v1 (\480).


Not secure
* Add new POST endpoint to create new Task (\486).

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