
Latest version: v3.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* More robust in finding and parsing source code in methods
* Ability to provide the finder hints


Minor bug when any's get used in `IfExpr`. I get the feeling for untyped stuff, we'll be finding a lot of things like this.


Can run the complete notebook that demos `xaod_usage`

* Do not require clients to install the func-adl.ast package.
* Fix bug in how QMetaData updates items in its dict (overriden items were ignored!)
* Add a warning if there is a lambda that isn't scanned for type forwarding
* Fix bug where function names were being captured during lambda resolution
* Move to a single package rather than two (no more .ast). This is certianly a breaking change!


* incorrect `__init__` file - made meta data clearing for the unreleased version of `func_adl_servicex` fail.
* `QMetaData` was not dealing with updated items properly.


* There is no ast package now - everything comes down at once. This will cause knock-on effects in everyone's configuration, sadly.


Another cross-include into the ast part of the library fixed.

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