
Latest version: v3.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Some of the setup files weren't updated to allow installs in 3.8 and 3.9 versions of python. Also updated some of the metadata.


One big user-facing change:

- It is now possible to use lambdas directly in calls to `Select`, `SelectMany`, and `Where`. Heuristics are used to recover the source - so it won't be perfect. But should work for most use cases. So much nicer!

And one under-the-hood change. This package is now compatible with python 3.8 and 3.9. However, several packages above this need to have the same treatment done, and then cross-checks to make sure that a 3.8 or 3.9 client can send to a 3.7 backend must occur. But this is a first step!


func_adl base package release

- Normalized internal storage names
- Add support for parquet files
- Major re-working of how `EventDataSet` works which will break everything: it is now an abstract base class.


- Really get rid of nest_asyncio
- Support parquet files (for uproot)
- Move to a more agnostic EventDataSet - users will now have to use another thing that is tied to the backend they want to do the processing on.

This will break existing code from the last release, so might as well just move forward to `2.0` now.


Checking latest update fixes this problem here


This is, indeed, getting a bit long.

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