
Latest version: v3.3.1

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* Will allow executor to accept a title argument

No user-facing changes other than to add the ability.


This will allow one to specify a title in the `.value` call.


There should be no externally visible change.

Enables the python AST to contain complete information on the AST for `EventDataSet` - which will improve the flexibility and use cases like running on local files.


Move to an argument style rather than an object style. Should make things simpler downstream.

* Should be no user-facing changes

Potential conflicts to downstream packages, however.


It is now possible to generate a sequence of numbers using the `Range` function. This allows you to iterate over a integers, for example, and use them as indicies into a function call - generating a sequence out of something that normally does not understand sequence semantics.

Currently supported only by the `xAOD` and `CMS Run 1 AOD` backends.


We have added the range function: allows one to iterate over a number sequence (like a for loop).

Many thanks to sudo-panda for doing this work!

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