
Latest version: v3.3.1

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This time for real


* Adds the `MetaData` method to `ObjectStream`.
* Adds a function to remove and return all `MetaData` from an `ast`.


Python 3.10 is out. This has now been tested with `func_adl`.


* It is now possible to pass the title metadata through the system. This isn't required, and is helpful for ServiceX - when you want a transform to have a title.
* Support internal dictionaries. Much like tuples, these can be used to build an EDM and then unbuild them by referencing items in them.
* Code to allow other libraries to find the event dataset deep in the hierarchy


* After using the `find_EventDataset` function, you can look at the `_eds_object` attribute to recover the original `EventDataset` object that started the whole query.


Support dictionaries inline (like tuples and lists) - they can be references, and the references will be resolved.

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