
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 701396 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
* FIXED: to properly use global & user env configuration
* FIXED: pip-based tools to look only in virtualenv bin folder
* FIXED: rustup tool update
* CHANGED: default ci_build folder to include vcsRef
* NEW: added "twine" as RMS tool for Python open source (experimental)


Not secure
* FIXED: To use factual python major/minor version for default
virtualenv dir. Issue introduced in 0.6.1
* FIXED: not to run default packager, if custom packager fails
* FIXED: to fail, if custom binary artifact is not found
* FIXED: ant, cargo, gradle and setuptools to use proper pattern for package search
* CHANGED: VCS tools to use CWD instead of wcDir state
* CHANGED: to preserve VCS info on CWD change, if not provided
as command line arguments
* CHANGED: ci_build default --wcDir to "../ci_builds/{basename cwd}",
if --vcsRepo is not provided (taken from current project checkout)
* NEW: Added missing --wcDir parameter to ci_build
* NEW: Added more info messages to show rename and CWD change
* NEW: added version extraction from gradlew properties for gradleTool


* FIXED: Fixed to setup Zulu JDK on Fedora
* FIXED: To check for actual value instead of presence of var in env
* FIXED: Fixed pythonTool not to overwrite pythonVer
* NEW: Added info message on _rmTree() call
* NEW: Added release date to automatic CHANGELOG.txt update


Not secure
* FIXED: to properly search for ${HOME}/.futoin.json as defined in
specs. Left fallback to ${HOME}/futoin.json, if ${HOME} is not
working directory.
* FIXED: to auto-detect tools listed in config.entryPoints
* FIXED: broken auto-detection for Gruntfile.js
* FIXED: setuptools to properly add generated packages to global state
* FIXED: to allow "cid package" to complete, if VCS is not known
* FIXED: to allow tagging with no automatic file changes
* FIXED: to always dump "cid tool env" in sorted order
* CHANGED: auto-detection mechanism to use pre-created set of
project root files instead of using filesystem to support
possible "remote" auto-detection.
* CHANGED: ci_build command to allow operation without RMS
* CHANGED: Revised error messages & fixed to use proper API instead of
direct exceptions
* CHANGED: to remove ci_build working directory, if unable to backup
* CHANGED: vcs tools to allow commit & push without explicit arguments
* CHANGED: vcs tests to run only vcs tests. Dropped pre-built tars.
* NEW: Added better error checking of unknown tools
* NEW: Added "cid tool detect"
* NEW: Added tool version support as parameter to "cid tool *" commands
* NEW: Added tool version sanitization to drop bug-fix/patch parts
* NEW: Added automatically generated auto-detection info to "tool describe"
* NEW: Added "cid vcs checkout" and "cid vcs commit" commands


Not secure
* Cosmetic improvement to error/warning/info messages
* Changed sys.exit(1) to RuntimeException handled in single place
- Produces helpful callstack


Not secure
* Minor corrections in README
* Added previously not documented "cid migrate" command
* Added CID_COLOR=yes|no environment variable support to
unconditionally configure output coloring
* Fixed composer not to disable scripts on package command
* Updated php to also install sqlite module
* Deployment procedure fixes:
* Fixed to properly enable build in vcstag/vcsref mode
* Fixed build to happen before read-only permissions are set
* Fixed deployDir != '.' cases
* Added safety feature to make sure deployDir is empty
or already has deploy lock in it
* Restored behavior not to fail, if already deployed - exit
with success
* Changed default CI build package name according to FTN16
* Added info messages for operation in progress
* Changed to allow deployment futoin.json to override
project config settings
* Added support for GZip static & checksums generation in
default package logic
* Added FNT16 changes for .packageFiles dynamic variable
- Added new tool API _addPackageFiles()
- Updated ant, cargo, gradle, maven, puppet and sbt to
properly set binary artifacts for RMS upload
* Fixed to properly exit with error status on exception

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