
Latest version: v0.9.1

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure
* Added nice handling of user abort (no default call stack)
* Added preliminary and not yet tested support for macOS


Not secure
* Added missing README for "cid init"
* Added RHEL & Oracle Linux support
* Minor improvements to Docker & DockerCompose support
* Added nice colored output, if stdout is a terminal


Not secure
* Removed python-version specific commands from setup.py
(solves universal wheel entry_points)


Not secure
* Bumped version to properly represent amount of changes


Not secure
* Fixed to properly auto-add 'futoin' to existing config 'tools'
* Added .entryPoints error checking
* Fixed rustTool to inherit from RuntimeTool
* Added experimental "cid run" command changes
* Added dummy exeTool
* Changed to run vagrant unit tests outside of sync folder
* Added support for APT/DNF/Yum/Zypper custom repositories
* Changed to use Zulu JDK instead of system packages
- Still possible to override with custom install & jdkDir
- changed jdkTool to support jdkDir instead of jdkBin
- Added setup of JAVA_HOME & JRE_HOME for javaTool
- Added setup of JAVA_HOME & JDK_HOME for jdkTool
- ArchLinux & Gentoo still use system OpenJDK builds
* Added feature of SubTool.envDeps() to automatically set version
requirements for dependencies
* Updated SDKMAN-based tools to properly require minimal Java version:
- Gradle (8), Maven (7), SBT(8), Scala(8)
* Added gcc and binutils tools
* Added new "cid init" command as speced in FTN16
* Implemented global tool management lock
* Added Docker CE installation support


Not secure
* Fixed to make GVM happy with toolchain deps even for binary installation
* Added sanitization of futoin.json input variables:
- Unknown variables are dropped for future compatibility
- Known variables have basic type check with abort on error
* Changed exception stack trace to more clean error messages
* Fixed to auto-add futoin tool to project, if futoin.json is read from it
- Solves problem of disabled auto-detection

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